Η Αλίκη δε γύρισε ποτέ
Κι αν η Αλίκη δεν ξύπνησε ποτέ; Κι αν όλο αυτό δεν ήταν όνειρο; Κι αν τα τραπουλόχαρτα κατάφεραν να συλλάβουν τη μικρή Αλίκη; Τότε τι;
Κι αν η Αλίκη δεν ξύπνησε ποτέ; Κι αν όλο αυτό δεν ήταν όνειρο; Κι αν τα τραπουλόχαρτα κατάφεραν να συλλάβουν τη μικρή Αλίκη; Τότε τι;
Πώς συνδέεται ένας παλιάτσος, ένας συγγραφέας, ένας ψυχολόγος, ένας δικηγόρος και ένας ταχυδακτυλουργός; Με ένα δείπνο και μια δολοφονία. Ποιος το έκανε;
Book 1 of 2 featuring After worldwide fan-favorite Landon Gibson as he leaves Washington to navigate love and life in New York City. At the end of the After Ever Happy, Landon got married-but readers everywhere have been wondering who will get to call the nicest boy in the After series their forever love? Read it and...
He never knew life could be this way, but truly if he did, he wouldn't have cared. He cared about nothing, not even himself until her. Before her, he was empty/ Before her he knew nothing of joy or completion, and this is his journey to his life After her.
When a boy and a girl meets, they become friends, then probably fall in love, then comes the ‘I love you’s and then maybe, just maybe, they end up getting married. In this case, what if a criminal, who’s capable of killing people with only one hand, meets an innocent girl who doesn’t even dare to kill ants? W...
***Jan 2016 - The Budding Roses has been selected as one of the TOP 10 ONE DIRECTION FANFICTIONS worth reading by Sugarscape! http://www.sugarscape.com/bookclub/news/a1085541/10-one-direction-fanfics-worth-reading-january/ *** Currently appearing on the Wattpad Fan fiction Featured List and selected for Wattpad's 'Bac...