Taintedclan Art Book
Yup it's so special it got its own art book lel
I have been putting this off for a while mainly because I hate the way my drawings look but since I've been seeing a lot of these on here I thought I could post one on here even though my drawings are not that good. @xStriped-Sweaterx (follow her, she is amazing!)
I Actually love drawing... And I know that lots of other people like it too, but I don't really care if it seems like I'm copying everyone else!
Eh, I never was really one to do what everyone else is doing, but since I'm actually an artist who's taken over 8 art classes, why not? So, here's my art book! It's mostly paintings, because that's what I specialize in~! {Cover art was edited by me; I don't own it} Pieces of art that are NOT Google inspired COMPLETELY...