Meet Maria stubborn and confused Dylan, who only ever wanted to fit in And Silas cold and silent, just like his...father. They've never met. Yet coincidentally they're pulled together by unknown forces to stop the beast that created them.
Meet Maria stubborn and confused Dylan, who only ever wanted to fit in And Silas cold and silent, just like his...father. They've never met. Yet coincidentally they're pulled together by unknown forces to stop the beast that created them.
Nuestro mundo, tal y como lo conocemos, por muy extraño que parezca, se encuentra dividido por una serie de seres que se ocultan entre todos nosotros, muchos permanecerán en la tierra, otros, regresarán. Los Ángeles, uno de esos seres que, según una de nuestras "más fiables" fuentes, nos los describe como seres inmate...