Escape The Fate
How can I miss you if you never would stay, if you need time I guess I'll go away. Inside me now there's only heartache and pain, where's the fire you have become the rain. © 2014 Candyzzle.
How can I miss you if you never would stay, if you need time I guess I'll go away. Inside me now there's only heartache and pain, where's the fire you have become the rain. © 2014 Candyzzle.
Riddle - teka teki (Online - Original) P.S :: Disini hanya sedikit dari banyak Riddle yang gue ambil dari google atau semacamnya, juga beberapa diantaranya buatan gue sendiri. Kalau mau lebih banyak Riddle lainnya, tinggal cari sendiri ya :) makasih! Semoga suka~ by SunfLavend. 2014-Riddle
All about Urban Legend. ### yang penasaran urban legend itu paan, cek aja cerita ini... author menyediakan cerita tentang urban legend. ya... di usahakan semua. tapi DIUSAHAKAN yah... kalo ga suka, gausah baca. dari pada nanti commentnya pedas-pedas.. well.. enjoy reading ♥ Sic