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  • Vigilante: Prompt Fills
    139K 8.1K 18

    Where I will be filling prompts from readers of Vigilante. Feed me your prompts!

  • Vigilante | ✔
    2.4M 126K 37

    Eli didn't think much about the city's newest so-called hero, but he supposed Vigilante wasn't all that bad. Granted, he was kind of a jerk and if he ever tried to kiss Eli again he was definitely getting punched. A story about a starving college student, making a living serving coffee and the local vigilante with a c...

  • Hard Time - Responsible Adult #2
    16K 134 4

    **Sample chapters only. This book is a available to purchase from all ebook retailers** Book two in the Responsible Adult series After Micky O'Neill is remanded in custody for breaching his court order, his already tempestuous relationship with Dan Peters is tested to the limits. Having to battle their way through a...

    Completed   Mature
  • Across Acheron
    438K 25.2K 39

    Nobody knew where Jack came from. Nobody knew when he’d ever leave. From the moment he arrived at Saint Dymphna Asylum, Jack hadn’t uttered a word. He stayed voiceless and lost in his own world. Most figured that his past was terrible. Some guessed that he went to hell, but never came back. Suddenly, on a rain...

  • Misdemeanor (Responsible Adult #1)
    322K 5.2K 8

    **Sample chapters only. This book is available to purchase from all ebook stores*** After his mother tragically dies and his deadbeat father goes off the rails, nineteen-year-old Micky is left to care for his disabled little brother, Flynn. Juggling college, a dead end job and Flynn's special needs means Micky has to...

    Completed   Mature
  • Worst Story on Wattpad ✓
    3.3M 199K 4

    Sick of cliché Wattpad books? Then this isn't the book for you. We take every single over-used plot, character and trope on Wattpad - from player-meets-nerd to my-boyfriend-is-a-vampire - and mash it all into one, awful, hilarious parody. NOTE: This is a parody. Characters have not been created to mock a race/nation...

  • Listen, Obey
    2.1M 120K 50

    Ethan tries to leave one life for another: probable death for a possible life. But what he leaves behind doesn't necessarily want to let him go. Shackles from the past bind his wrists while promises of a better life scare the hell out of him. How could someone possibly want him to be a part of their life and their fam...

    Completed   Mature
  • Top and Tail [boyxboy] [slash]
    9.2M 338K 26

    Forced to share his bed with an attractive stranger, Ash Jamieson suddenly finds himself confronted with feelings he thought he'd repressed. ***** Riddled with adolescent angst, lavished with profanity, and adorned with more cheese than your favouri...

  • Equally Tenacious ✓
    112K 2.7K 1

    Toughened up Deane Anderson and rich and spoiled Luke Davies have only one thing in common - they're both as stubborn and hard-headed as mules. And for everyone around them, that trait they share can get just a little annoying when it comes to matters of the heart. - Copyright © 2015 Viano Oniomoh All rights reserved.

    Completed   Mature
  • Oblivious
    1.7M 40.6K 20

    The first thing I noticed was the moans: soft sounds of love, and then skin slapping against skin. "Cut!" someone yelled, and the cameras stopped. Callum is thrown into a whirlwind of conflicting emotions as he walks in on a compromising scene, to put it mildly, between his best friend and another guy. What Callum th...

    Completed   Mature
  • Volatile (sample) TCS #1
    3M 15.4K 4

    Full version of Second Edition available on Amazon and via Kindle Unlimited. Chris Sinclair fades under a dark cloud after losing his mother to cancer. On the cusp of adulthood, he doesn't know where he should go or how to get there. But watching life pass him by was never the plan, and when he is forced to attend a c...

  • How To Be Straight
    2.6M 114K 48

    Calvin and Derek were the best of friends. For their entire lives, they were practically inseparable. That was,until they entered high school and Derek became the most popular boy in school. Three years passed by without either of them speaking to each other, but that quickly changes when they cross paths at a party.

    Completed   Mature
  • Bayside Queens (BoyxMan)
    2.8M 127K 31

    "All CJ knew was that Quinn was different, and in Bayside, different didn't come around too often." A police sergeant at age 25, CJ Thomas was always destined for greatness. Every man wanted to be him, and every woman wanted to be on him. But that really wasn't CJ's thing. Nothing was really CJ's thing. Until the ki...

    Completed   Mature
  • Eliminating Ethan {Sequel} [Boy x Man]
    31.2K 1.6K 30

    Ethan Stein is back with new things to worry about. Now that Sebastian knows he's with Kyle, how long will it be until the whole school finds out? How much longer can he keep his real life a secret from Shawn? Will Kyle stick by him while more of Ethan's past begins to turn up? Or will he get out while he can? And...

  • Hunting Hunter [Boy x Man]
    372K 10.9K 28

    He goes by the name of 'Hunter Lyons', but really, that's far from his real name. Ethan is hiding a really BIG secret from the school he goes to, and the only one who even has a small clue about it is his best friend Shawn. Senior year is the time when you get your own personal teacher in a small group to help prepare...

  • The danger in his veins
    14.8K 1.6K 17

    Această poveste este continuarea cărţii Stereotype! Pentru a evita confuziile, citeşte-o pe aceea mai întâi.

  • Stereotype
    83.2K 6.5K 35

    Timidul Noah, aflat a marginea unei depresii se pierde pe sine în încercarea de a se face ascultat. Îndrăgostit de Amy, vecina sa mai mare cu trei ani, pierde pentru o perioadă contactul cu ceilalți adolescenți de vârsta sa. Însă atunci când Noah descoperă un secret compromițător despre Mark, colegul său de clasă, ace...

  • Gri subtil
    8.3K 795 30

    Erai prea aproape si totusi prea departe de mine. Acea perdea de fum ne separa fara sa ne dea sansa sa fim inseparabili. Multa vreme am crezut ca ei ne tineau despartiti, dar singurul lucru care ne impiedica sa fim unul erai tu.

  • Lust for Blood [_Yaoi_Poveste scurta]
    2.1K 114 1

    Raul si-a ascuns sentimentele fata de Damien prea mult timp, si amandoi stiu asta. Ce se intampla cand Raul este pus in fata propriilor sentimente fata de cel ce este un jumatate-vampir, dar aceeasi persoana care ii macelarise familia cu mult timp in urma?

  • Dezbracă-te pentru mine [~Yaoi~]
    17K 1.1K 9

    Yaoi/ gay content! Nerecomandat copiilor si homofobilor, desigur :3 Desi era un copil de 17 ani, Alexandru Cristea se indragostise de Robert Damian, care a fost si motivul plecarii lui din oras, dupa o relatie de scurta durata, si dupa dezamagirea lui Alex primita din partea barbatului. Dar isi face din nou aparitia i...

  • Scaldare in dorinta [~Yaoi~]
    229K 13.7K 42

    Yaoi=Gay story, people. Nerecomandat homofobilor si copiilor ;* Tyler Kannes, fratele mai mic al unei acrite foarte cunoscuta in lumea Hollywood-ului cade sub vraja unuia dintre asa-zisii iubiti ai surorii sale, Kyan Lawson, care nu se ascunde in exprimarea propiilor sentimente, pe cand Tyler, desi nu isi respinge sen...

    Completed   Mature
  • Cum sa supravietuim intr-un film horror!
    1.2M 87.7K 126

    Nu contează dacă ești posedat, sau te aleargă un criminal, sau ești bântuit, sau ai probleme cu o formă de viață neidentificată. Dacă vrei să supraviețuiești ai nevoie de cartea asta!

  • Iar diavolii și-au ucis eroii
    16.2K 1.1K 22

    ”- Pentru totdeauna? îl întreb, și buzele i se curbează într-un zâmbet. Își împletește degetele în părul meu și râde, dar are o notă tristă în voce atunci când răspunde. - Cum altfel?” Se spune că oamenii trec peste morți și vise ca să salveze ceea ce iubesc. Ivan, un tânăr din Rusia secolului optsprezece, deschide fă...

  • Asaltul demonilor
    239K 8.5K 35

    Un joc bun trebuie să fie distractiv, să aibă o poveste interesantă și personaje bine conturate sau să prezinte un sistem inovator care să pună la încercare îndemânarea jucătorilor. Un joc excelent trebuie să aibă toate cele trei elemente de mai sus și încă ceva în plus. Last of the Heroes, la apariția sa, nu întrunea...

  • is it still a joke now?
    2.8M 94.5K 28

    The utter most inner thoughts and feelings of one who has but no other way to express them and therefore without a pen a paper she very much may spontaneously combust in an explosion of secrets bottled up for far far too long. : )

  • Totally Dominated ->Yaoi
    212K 11.5K 30

    Yuri Seki, spionul de 19 ani, cel care-l ajuta pe tatal sau adoptiv sa zdrobeasca concurenta periculoasa de pe piata Niponiei. Cel care poate aduce cel mai secret dosar al concurentei, care isi face treaba de spion de mai bine de doi ani. El, incapatanatul, mandrul si orgoliosul Yuri Seki, se va lasa dominat de asa-zi...
