Dear White People
A book to white people who don't understand us, and looks at us diffrently.
Perfection. That's what we strive for. It's what everybody strives for. We must be perfect. Selection will help us become perfect. In a world where the government selects people to mate based on their genotypes and DNA alleles. Emmary Eaton, birthing number 45729 is ripped from her home and everything she knows to be...
I was the 6th-grade "slut." And I kept a diary. So I decided to create The UnSlut Project in the hopes that my own diary entries could provide some perspective to girls who currently feel trapped and ashamed. I am publishing these entries one at a time, without changing a single word except for the names of the peopl...
Humanity’s desire to be immortal is finally fulfilled when Stuart and Nick, two mischievous yet brilliant young men, figure out a way to reverse age. Over the next few years, they sell life to the aging population and build Phoenix Corporation: one of the biggest companies in the world. With Life Centers across the gl...
These are Wattpad members' experiences regarding "slut" shaming and sexual bullying. You can now submit your experience to be a chapter in this collection in the form of a VIDEO - or as a drawing, poster, collage, or any other type of visual art. Just message me a link (send it to @emilylindin). If you've already subm...