Un día en un insti, un chico popular que tu no sabes si te quiere o no.
-April, tengo una idea. -Dime-Le contesté. -¿Y si decimos que yo soy tu chico? Su respuesta me dejó anonadada. Al ver que no reaccionaba, el siguio platicando. -Solo hay que verle el lado positivo, le dijiste a Matthieu que tu novio se llamaba Ethan. Yo me llamo Ethan. Es el plan perfecto- Lo dijo como si le e...
The Sharing Nightmares Anthology is an Halloween themed anthology with stories from some of Wattpad's finest 'thrill weavers' Here, you'd find stories from 20 prolific authors with enough chills and spooky to keep you on edge all Hallo-month long. Not the brightness of your phone, or the light from your lamp is enough...
whisp is a 17 year old girl with silver hair with dark green eyes and she always wears a black shirt with a creeper on it with blue jeans. you guys should know what toby wears.