Facts don't lie - Ben Shapiro x reader
With every "Facts don't care about your feelings" Ben said, y/n took care that he questons it. His facts and his feelings. Ideal cast: Ben Shapiro: Ben Shapiro y/n: me!!!!
With every "Facts don't care about your feelings" Ben said, y/n took care that he questons it. His facts and his feelings. Ideal cast: Ben Shapiro: Ben Shapiro y/n: me!!!!
Bendy sharpie was just an average Republican but he had a deep secret... A love for minecraft. One night, while playing minecraft, Benji discovered an unknown player had joined his server. Unexpectedly he formed a passionate love for the player, and the words that had started it all were : "We need to build a wall"...
OK so in the sroy ben shapiro and reader habve epic seks with EPIC FActs Alternate title: Ben Shapiro ANALLY RUPTURES AND PENETRATES AND DESTROYS STUPID LIBTARD with facts