Dangan Ronpa Headcannons
Dangan Ronpa Headcannons Spoilers ahead!
Sixteen people. All stuck on an island, forced to kill each other if they want to leave. How many will make it out alive? Less then sixteen, I'll tell you that much. Logan- Fawful's Minion Will- Rabid Luigi Sky- Skydoesminecraft Adam- YMS Dan- Danisnotonfire Dan- Thediamondminecart Phil- AmazingPhil Jeremy- Jeremy Jah...
boy howdy here we go changed the cover because i felt bad for not crediting the artist and i didn't know who it was so i just. got rid of it
16 people. All locked inside a school with a crazy teddy bear, being forced to kill each other if they want to leave. Who will survive this game of life? Less then sixteen people, I'll tell you that much. Jared- Projared Austin- Peanutbuttergamer Jon- Jontron Mat- Game Theory Nico- NicoB Arin- Egoraptor Emile- Chuggaa...
Unused moments, mid-story changes, pre planing, Q&As and much more! Everything you ever need to know about Dangan Ronpa Youtube.
This is a Dangan Ronpa pick your path book. If you don't know what a pick your path is, it's a book from the character's perspective, as though you are the character. Then, along the way, you have to make choices, which may ultimately lead to the climax in the story. In this case, making the wrong choice will lead you...
Trivia, Polls, Art, Quizzes, Free Time Events, Unused Executions and more in an extras book for Dangan Ronpa Minecraft!
i abridged the abrided version read both the original dangan rompa minecraft and dangan ronpa minecraft abridged first because there will be spoilers and references
An abridged version of Dangan Ronpa Reset. Why are you still here? Read the story!
The time is 2025, a year of hardships and misfortune for everyone in the world. Who would've thought that we wouldn't be prepared for something as catastrophic to occur, but it did. An illness so deadly, that half the population was wiped away within a year. Some people ran, others became determined to fix mankind's m...
Sixteen popular minecraft youtubers are forced into a mysterious, dark mansion by Herobrine himself. All windows, doors, and other escape routes are all blocked, providing no way to sneak out. The only way to escape? Kill one of your peers and not get caught. Who will survive this game of murder and mystery?
Ask and dare all of the characters from Dangan Ronpa 1 and Super Dangan Ronpa 2.