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  • Reyr the Gold (Dragonwall Series # 2)
    3.1M 246K 60

    After fulfilling an Unbreakable Promise, Claire finally accepts her new life in Dragonwall. She has discovered a new purpose--one she created for herself to save Dragonwall. It is her destiny to defeat Kane, that much is certain. What isn't certain, is how she will achieve this end. Powerful magic courses through her...

  • Verath the Red (Dragonwall Series #3)
    2.3M 170K 55

    Claire fights to prepare herself to fulfill an Unbreakable Promise made in the heat of the moment. A spontaneous adventure north, a catastrophic attack upon Dragonwall, and a surprising realization, all culminate into the perfect storm, bringing Claire and Talon together under unexpected circumstances. When Claire an...

  • Luciferova kráľovná✓
    156K 7.6K 37

    V jej rodine bola vždy tou zvláštnou. Elizabeth nikdy nebola normále dieťa, jej matka sa postarala o to, aby sa s nikým nebavila. Každý ňou pohŕdal. Bolo s ňou zle zaobchádzané, až pokiaľ ju rodičia neposlali do katolíckej školy. Potom všetkom nemanželské dieťa nemohlo byť prijaté do kresťanskej komunity. Po tragickej...

    Completed   Mature
  • Beloved Beast
    2.5M 89K 89

    This novel is an adaptation of Beauty and the Beast. Blind since birth, Elle Duncan has only ever known darkness, but lack of sight has never hindered her ability to perceive the beauty of the world. Her kind and gentle soul is put to the test when her father sustains an injury that threatens their livelihood, and in...

  • The Wallflower Mate
    4.1M 193K 46

    *Chosen Mates* Mary Elizabeth Carter have gone through the Mating Ball for five consecutive years with no luck in snagging a mate. She didn't care if had a rank or he wasn't all that attractive. All she wanted was to be mated and sated. Yes, that's right. Thoroughly fucked. Now, at the age of twenty-five she was well...

    Completed   Mature
  • Talon the Black (Dragonwall Series # 1)
    6.5M 414K 66

    When a wounded dragon falls from the sky, Claire Evans runs into a cornfield to rescue it. This isn't just any dragon, he's a shifter, one of six royal protectors, and helping him has consequences. Claire finds herself traipsing--or rather, flying--across the kingdom of Dragonwall. She must face Dragonwall's king. Kin...

  • Nether
    105K 8.8K 25

    Years ago, the Trolls were banished into the Nether, a void of evil and darkness between the magical realms. With their greed and treachery locked away, peace has reigned throughout the worlds. But not for nineteen-year-old witch, Aramina. Being discovered to be a non-magic-a witch with waning powers- has cost her eve...

  • Fayre
    6.7M 114K 13

    Melissa Crawford thinks she's just a regular teenage girl. She goes to school. She has friends, boy problems, know, the typical teenage angst. But she couldn't be more wrong, for Melissa Crawford is not a mortal. Her adoptive mortal mother refused to give her up and hired a witch to erase the enchanting...

  • The Damsel and her Knight
    578K 28.5K 34

    In the night when the kingdom of Incantasi has been conquered by the tyrant Henry, Cassandra Monfort is born-a girl who could save the kingdom from the evil ruler's hands. When the seal appears on her twelfth year, her whole life changes. King Henry orders the execution of her parents, and it happens before her very e...

  • Enchantment of the Bow
    3M 137K 68

    Lyra knew that one day she would be set into an arranged marriage like a chess piece. She had been preparing for it her whole life, and she was almost alright with her fate. But she never thought that her father would choose the man that he did. That decision changed everything. The King of Whales is ruthless, more th...

    Completed   Mature
  • The Demon King (The Demon King, #1) - Completed
    8M 292K 60

    The Demon King, Dimitri Rae the most dangerous and brutal demon you could ever come across has been ruling over Rovana for a very long time. Life tends to get boring so Dimitri results to torturing and killing humans as a form of entertainment. This has been going on for more than a century and the humans are too weak...

    Completed   Mature
  • Krotiteľ
    186K 16.2K 36

    [Prvý diel série Krotiteľ] Keď osud zasiahne do života nič netušiacej May a jedného večera stretne osamelého vlka, všetko, čo poznala, sa nenávratne zmení. Vďaka Axelovi sa zapletie do magického sveta, plného tvorov, ktorí mali existovať len v knihách. Odvedie je do Akadémie, školy pre nadprirodzené bytosti, aby bola...

  • Posledná nádej
    96K 9.1K 41

    Každých päťdesiat rokov sa narodia dvaja Nezvyčajní, ktorým je súdené bojovať s Tieňmi, najväčšími nepriateľmi krajiny Wyrlasse. Tentokrát je to princezná Alycia a najlepší bojovník Charles, ktorí sa z duše nenávidia. Spoločne sa vydávajú na výpravu, aby získali päť talizmanov. Cesta je však náročná, plná prekážok a n...

  • Anna Waels
    10.7K 748 31

    Matku jej zabil otec. Otec ju odhodil v lese.A ju našli. Vyrastala na dvore šľachtica Daleského. Tak ako šľachtičného deti, aj ona, hoc bola nájdená bez rodičov v lese, patrila do rodiny. Mala zázemie. Ale všetko to dobré sa zmenilo v momente, keď starého šľachtica zabili na výprave. *** Anna so vztýčenou hlavou a ruk...

  • I love you, Lily Evans ... ✔
    61.6K 4.4K 33

    Červenovláska pocítila teplo jeho tela, zrýchlený tep a burácajúce srdce. Jeho úsmev však nevidela, lebo hlavu si oprela o jeho hruď. "Ďakujem," pošepkala. "Za čo?" opýtal sa prekvapene. "Že si pri mne," povedala takmer nečujne, ani nevedela, ako jej to vykĺzlo. "Pri tebe vždy, Lily," ...

  • Nondum omnium dierum sol occidit [HP Fanfiction]
    65.5K 5.2K 46

    ... Ešte nezapadlo slnko všetkých dní ... Troška netradičný príbeh o Záškodníkoch ♥ Genre: Romantika, Dráma, Dobrodružstvo. Fanfiction Rating: + 15 Pairing: Teddy Lupin & Victoire Weasley Teddy doučuje Victoire z transfigurácie, keď sa stane to čo nečakal. Vďaka nevydarenému...

  • Dirty Angel
    43.6K 5K 47

    Kanálom sa ozývali naše došľapy. Tokiho chôdza bola rýchla a celkom iste bol presvedčený, že nepovie ani slovo. Bral to ako úlohu, ktorú musí splniť, lebo mu ju zadal Bates. Aké samozrejmé. Hrozne rada by som šla na lov so Sevilom alebo dokonca s Constanze, ale s Tokim mám pocit, že neviem, čo sa bude diať. Všetko, čo...

    Completed   Mature
  • Crown of the fallen (Korekcia)
    16.3K 1.6K 44

    Tisíc rokov ubehlo od doby, keď elfovia žili v súlade s ľuďmi. Dnes sú ušľachtilé tvory starej krvi len legendou, ktorou sa strašia deti. Lenže čo je pre elfa tisíc rokov? Elfovia nezabúdajú. Kráľ ich ponížil, vyhnal, ukoristil si ich bohatstvo, zahnal ich do najtmavších dier, nehodných živých bytostí. Ale oni sa vrát...
