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  • Before
    18.6M 437K 20

    He never knew life could be this way, but truly if he did, he wouldn't have cared. He cared about nothing, not even himself until her. Before her, he was empty/ Before her he knew nothing of joy or completion, and this is his journey to his life After her.

  • After 4
    3.1M 76.8K 50

    This is the continuation of the After Series by Anna Todd. Will Harry and Tessa's relationship stand the test of time? Everything she wanted from him, he finally promised, but will he return to his old ways or can he give Tessa what she wants? After everything they have been through, they have to still fight to be tog...

  • It's You That I Need
    205 34 6

    Imam osećaj kao da se ceo svet okrenuo protiv mene, sve što sam planirala, sve što sam doživela za ovih godinu dana, sve me sada stiže. I znam da je to samo moja krivica. Bilo bi bar malo lakše kada bih mogla okriviti nekog drugog, kao što uvek i radim, ali to trenutno nije opcija. Oči, za koje nikada nisam pomislila...

  • ALONE 《H.S.》
    71 2 3

  • HEARTBREAKER! || Harry Styles
    88K 4.8K 62

    Dva različita života. Dvije različite priče. Što se događa kada se spoje?