To Decide
[NEW VERSION] Karena sampai akhir pun, hidup adalah perkara meneguhkan pilihan.
[COMPLETED] Tentang seorang laki-laki beraroma vanilla yang takut kecoa tapi enggak pernah takut menjadi diri sendiri. Tentang seorang laki-laki yang mencari dirinya dari bait lirik Sheila on 7 dan segelas Milo hangat. Dan tentang seorang perempuan, yang terjebak diantara keduanya.
/nɪˈɛnteɪ/ - adj, adv gradually fades into nothingness. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Have you ever lost something you treasured the most?" "I have" "What is it?" "My melodies" "That's pretty odd to say" "You think so?" "Let me guess, your other instruments?" "No, I...
Sebagian besar cerita dihapus. Adelardian Muda Gautama menganggap profesionalitas dan presisi adalah 2 hal yang tidak boleh diganggu gugat. Lalu bagaikan noise dalam keadaan rendah cahaya, ada yang memudarkan hasil bidikan Adelardian, dan laki-laki itu kehilangan profesionalitasnya.
Story about two people that live in a really different world meets for the first time. One of them think this is the beginning of the other person's sad love story, while the other one think that this is a beautiful fate that's made in heaven.
I don't even understand why they came into my life. They changed my life into this sweetly frustating life. But if they didn't came to my life, I don't know what would I do today. -Jinhee She is a stubborn, annoying, and noisy girl. But she's special. She always amuses me in a unique way. She was my special one. And w...