Jazzy likes a boy. This boy knows and seems like he dosemt care. There many challenges for her to win his heart. Maybe he likes her or maybe not. Jer friend or frienemie Sinae maybe go through challenges to find oit really who he likes. Jazzy comes up with conclusions thay ate kinda sad amd weird. What will happem to...
缘分在冥冥中把他们牵到一起,一场美丽的邂逅,会是一段佳话的开端;抑或是,他们注定此生无缘? 情投意合,不代表终生相爱;两情相悦;不一定长厢厮守;由爱生恨,有爱,才会有恨。 我不要海誓山盟,不要海枯石烂,只要你爱我,就够了。 山无棱,天地合,才敢与君绝。