missing you
its about the only girl i ever loved
This kid hates his life. But you can't help but laugh at every second of it. Follow CJ as he takes you through his life from birth to adulthood in his hilarious perspective of the world around him.
"Ross what are you doing?" Laura asks as I grab her hand and push her body gently against the wall. "If I get lucky I'll get to kiss you." I say leaning in. "But the contract! If you kiss me you would be breaking some serious rules! We could get fired!" She says. "We'll baby I'm a rule breaker." I mutter leaning in ag...
A girl with a future, a girl with humor, a girl with fame, fortune, good virtue, she has it all. A famous showgirl/model who can be very powerful when she has to be. Too bad she discovered her power when it was too late.
Every time we breathe We die a little... So one last breath, for love and hatred and everything in between. For friendship lost and friendship gained. For pain that builds and that which breaks. And hurt, a lot of that. And also...for this crazy jungle we call life. And remember Just breathe
There once was a girl named Shaylah. She was 15 years old. She believed in magic her whole life. Everyone laughed at her whenever she talked about magic even existing. Well, they were proved wrong. Shaylah's had powers, but never discovered them. Let's see how that turns out while she goes on a journey that just might...
Just an online journal of my personal thoughts . No, I am not suicidal. No, I am not depressed. Just introverted, and I trap feelings in more than I'm supposed to .. So I let them out here.