-shattered pieces-
**a compilation of poems, short stories, quotes and thoughts, all by yours truly**
**a compilation of poems, short stories, quotes and thoughts, all by yours truly**
The utter most inner thoughts and feelings of one who has but no other way to express them and therefore without a pen a paper she very much may spontaneously combust in an explosion of secrets bottled up for far far too long. : )
We look up at the same sky and we see the same thing and suddenly, it's not so lonely anymore.
Quinn scribbles tainted emotions across thin layers of white paper. But to who? To someone who blinks once, sees her, and blinks again-just to make her disappear. To someone who sees her as a symbol of the ocean. To someone who thinks the ocean is disgusting and hideous, filled with trash and pathetic wandering fishe...
"they told us that we needed therapy, as if medication and tainted words could fix broken toys."