Madara X reader On Hold
A fan fic of Madara Uchiha from Naruto (May have a lemon at the end or not don't know, please know I don't own Naruto!)
A fan fic of Madara Uchiha from Naruto (May have a lemon at the end or not don't know, please know I don't own Naruto!)
I look around at the shocked faces of my friends. Silence was among us. That's when Sasuke broke the silence. "You're... a girl?"
Mary Louise jest początkującą modelką. Jednak to nie do końca jej decyzja. Wszystko w jej życiu jest ustawione. Dziewczyna czasem ma ochotę zwyczajnie od tego uciec. Wszystko się zmieni kiedy złamana dziewczyna pozna złamanego chłopaka, który wziął sprawy w swoje ręce. Teraz to Michael Clifford. Nie zwykły dzieciak z...
Bycie siostrą Michaela Clifforda jest niczym innym jak tylko ciężarem. Skyler nienawidzi tego faktu, że musi pogodzić się z jego okropnymi żartami i zachowaniem. Tak się dzieje do czasu kiedy on zaprzyjaźnia się z trzema atrakcyjnymi chłopakami o imieniach Calum, Luke i Ashton.
w którym luke jest zainteresowany niewinnym chłopcem, ubierającym się na różowo. Punk!Luke Fem!Michael Niewinny!Michael autorstwa @punkmetalmichael, ja tylko tłumacze, mam zgodę ¡UWAGA! NIESKOŃCZONE. AUTORKA USUNĘŁA TO. najwyżej #145 w opowiadanie 28.03.2017 #41 w opowiadanie
"On ma jaja tylko w internecie, patrz, znowu przewrócił się o własne sznurówki..."
Nowe powiadomienie z kika: Nowa wiadomość z grupy '69' Co sie stanie jeśli zostaniesz dodana do grupowego chatu wypełnionego czterema idiotami? ---------- Tłumaczenie książki @halseyeet Approved (Książka może zawierać przekleństwa i treści nieodpowiednie dla nieletnich, czytasz na własną odpowiedzialność ale bądźmy sz...
Seren Lestrange is frightened when she learns that her parents have escaped prison, it's only a matter of time that she will have to be forced to meet with the dark wizard Lord Voldemort and be a faithful servant that her parents want to be. Not only does Seren disagree with their views, but she falls in love with Ron...
While their past is told, they live in the present. Will they keep on living, or will their lives slowly fade away, just like long ago?
kuran yuki have never thought that she will be married to the one and only Madara uchiha. he is cruel and mean. yuki always wanted to find the right one and live in a fairy-tale world. but she soon realised that life is not a fairy-tale and the road to life is always bumpy.
Veronica Wright jest Odporną. Jako sześciolatka zostaje sprzedana przez swojego ojca do DRESZCZu, gdzie zamierzają przygotować ją do udziału w Próbach. Nikt jednak nie był w stanie przewidzieć, że buntownicza Veronica spróbuje uciec, tuż przed planowanym wysłaniem jej do Labiryntu. Jej wysiłki zdają się jednak na marn...
House might have met his match with Dr. Wilde. Fresh from college, a young woman follows her dream, but will she follow her heart?
Teddy King is an oncologist at Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. In the six months that she has been working there she has developed a friendship and a secret crush on her boss, Dr. James Wilson. But she can see this friendship turning into something more. Too bad her dyslexic heart keeps getting in the way. (B...
DISCLAIMER : I DONT OWN ANY THING EXCEPT FOR ALEX SUMIRE AND ANY OTHER OC'S I HAPPEN TO INVENT (Not good at summaries) but it's about this chick named Alex Sumire. she's the last of her clan, yada yada yada, she has kekkai genkai. I'll do a chapter with her info, but I'm afraid that my summary might reveal stuff so I...
What if Deidara had a little sister? What if he loved her like he loved his art? What if she was like her brother? and even had the hand mouths? Well, this is a story about her. Her name is Emiko. Emiko is a explosion happy girl, and often refered to by her big brother, little bomber. Reason for the name of the story...
Itami, a blue haired girl, is the 'The Angel's Flower' in all the rogues' bingo book. Though, no one knows who she is or how she looks like, presumedly she is always in her ANBU ROOT uniform. But, once she uses her jutsus, they know right away. "T-hat p-paper w-wings. Y-you're the A-angel's F-flower!" Soon, she enro...
Nao was raised in an orphanage, without knowing who her parents are she grew close with a young boy a few years older than her, and without fail he became a brother figure. The young boy's name was Yakushi Kabuto. As what seemed to be set into stone starts to changd all what Nao has known changes, and as she strives f...
A girl with ice blue hair and mixed eyes had been tortured and kicked around by her hometown. In a small town in Japan, isolated from the urban world, nothing new happens. For the traumatized, frail, mute girl that is beaten and ridiculed daily, salvation comes in a strange way. A lightning storm. She is struck and ap...
Uchiha Mizuuki isn't your average girl, her past keeps haunting her and her hands are already stained with blood. She only knows how to take a life, but not how to save one. She finds herself forced into the life of a Ninja when she chose that instead of confinement for her actions, thinking that it would be simple wi...
For seven years, I've lived fully trusting my parents, without any worries. We were always on the move, but this never seemed strange to me. My father is a man named Orochimaru. Until the age of seven, I didn't realize how dangerous that man actually was. Cover made by Zain_The_Zebra
I hardly ever see stories on Jiraiya & Naruko, most of the ones I see are sexual but though I kinda like that they could have that kind of Relationship what if it something more than just Mature? what is she truly loved the Sannin. I know, Naruko is a female version of Naruto & Jiraiya is like 3.5 decades older but it...
*NARUTO FANFIC* (Ibiki's daughter) her early years are unknown to most and is now an orphan. the orphanage uses them to make money, forcing them to live on the streets and steal to live (if it helps they live in a village a few miles away from the "bloody mist" village.) Yuko and the others pay there dues to the gan...
Aurora or Ace was found in the land of stone by non other than our very own............................. Might Guy......... this is the life of Ace what will happen next. not even the wrighter (ME!!! :-)) knows . suggestions are appreciated im just making it up as I go. _TrackHer
Yoshi Nara younger sister of shikamaru, was kidnapped on her first birthday. forced into the underground slave trade she was sold from one 'master' to another. tell she ends up in the claws (more like fangs) of orochimaru Yoshi is now 7 years old and on the run from her latest 'master'. where is she running too? we...
My name is Emma but a long time ago I was given the nickname Manza. So that's what everyone calls me. I don't have many friends because of my problem. I'm a witch. But I don't really have full control of my powers yet. Sometimes weird things happen because of my lack of control. I think that's how I got into this stra...
Naruto wasn't the only born child he has a twin sister. Her name is Yuki Uzumaki and she's an exact replica of Kushina Uzumaki. Sorry if this description sucked I just can't think of how to make it good. Hope you like this one like you like the other one bye for now.
Madara is been called in his mother's room in unknown reason. He's in bad mood right now because of hard training. The time when he open the door, is the time when his heart warms. Seeing the little girl in his father arms. "Madara meet your little Sister, Yuri." ▶▷DISCLAIMER:◁ I do NOT own Naruto, Naruto belongs to...
Meet Senju Izuna; intelligent, stubborn and fiercely loyal to her clan. Meet Uchiha Izuna; observant, competitive and extremely proud of his clan. The two had met long ago, when they were just children that were tossed into the war of their fore-fathers. What will the pair do when they have to choose either to love or...