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  • White Memories of A Black Life
    106K 10.3K 30

    "I have never tasted the brightness of yellow, the calmness of blue, the cheer of green or the love of red. I felt something; still do I, but never related to colours. I only know the pureness of white and the mystery of black. Oh, and grey. For most of you, it's just a colour but it defines every little thing to me."

  • Broken Pain!!!
    4.6K 403 32

    Here you might find poem related to sad or broken feeling... hope you guys enjoyed it ... Have good time

  • w a n d e r e r
    5.5K 733 14

    She was a wanderer, not because she travels a lot ,but because her mind was always somewhere else. ------------------------------------------------------------- Book cover: picture from google.

  • 4:00 a.m (wattys 2014 winner)
    151K 14.2K 27

    (poem book) *editing* poems about a girl whose thoughts don't let her sleep at night.many of you may relate . so read and give your views and you will have someone who will understand your pain . you are not alone :) don't steal my poems plx :). all rights reserved. (achievments) *HQ love award (watty2014winner) 30 J...
