Paw Patrol: Pups and their POVs
Pups and what they think. Marshall, Rubble, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, and Skye.
Ralston "Rocky" Resirkulering: The True Story of a Recycling Pup
The story of a District 7-born Panemian-Norwegian-Nick Juniorian recycling mixed breed pup, Mr. Ralston "Rocky" Resirkulering, tells us about how he lived from the ashes of his old life. Follow the footsteps of his entire life, then uncover the family treasures of the Resirkulering family, and witniss his true story...
Paw Patrol: Life After sequel
The pups grew up and they separated until a Paw Patrol Reunion invitation is delivered in their mail
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Paw Patrol, A Rocky Chase
An accident has left Rocky depressed (by this time Everest moved into the lookout) Skye chose it was time to try and lift Rocky's spirt. But when Chase sees Skye hanging out with him a bit too often, he gets jealous. And you know how jealousy can really screw things up. But Chase gets back at Rocky, and then Rocky was...