Horror House
The adventures of Xena, Emiley, and the Creepypastas. Warning: In order to understand a few things about this, you have to be reading my "Ask Dem Creepypstas". Also I'm not funny at all so this should be fun...
The adventures of Xena, Emiley, and the Creepypastas. Warning: In order to understand a few things about this, you have to be reading my "Ask Dem Creepypstas". Also I'm not funny at all so this should be fun...
Never read these at night, for the blinking of the monitor or the dim light of your phone is not enough to keep away the thing that just moved by the right corner of your room. NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION ©
This is just a thing full of anime quotes. The quotes are one's with meaning and power! Anime really does teach us lessons, even if we're not aware of it. If you have one that I haven't used yet please tell me and I'll put it in! Add the anime it's from along with the character that said it. **Possible Spoilers***
A collection of the scariest, creepiest and freakiest campfire ghost stories there are! For anyone who likes a thrill. WARNING: Do not read these in bed at night!