Zodiac Signs
Zodiac meanings, symbols, and everything else you ever wanted to know about yourself. *NOT MINE*
Zodiac meanings, symbols, and everything else you ever wanted to know about yourself. *NOT MINE*
Here's the second installment of my zodiac signs book. More crazy and weird Shit to be had and experienced in book 2. ~* Some are from tumblr and some I made up by myself *~
This book is for everyone who knows her/his B'day. There are 12 zodiac signs, and I am not going in detail. This book will make you laugh,wonder, understand people and know yourselves. I don't own these posts. I pick the best of them using my eyes and do the effort of posting them. Read, comment, vote and enjoy... :)...
Everything and anything about your zodiac sign whether it be stereotypes Or real accurate facts, Who knows? What is your sign? I tried to be all deep and shit but it didn't work :/ *~Some are from Tumblr and some I made up myself~*
This will be BOOK 3 (the last one) in the Zodiac Trilogy! ;) © COPYRIGHT 2015 by rainbow_kisses1 .....All Rights Reserved
funny, cute and nice zodiac posts for you all ♡ Note - I don't make these, I get them off Tumblr, Instagram and Google Images. These may not be accurate, they're made for entertainment so don't get butthurt or take them too seriously.
|zodiac sign book ! | |daily posts ... | |tag your friends for me please ! | |leo myself ... | | cover made by Euphxnious, ty bb. |
Zodiac stuff from internet but mostly tumblr though. I honestly have no idea why you clicked this but well thanks for clicking and enjoy!
Its going to be about everything pertaining to Zodiac signs and astrology etc. :) Hope you guys enjoy. © COPYRIGHT 2015 by @rainbow_kisses1 .....All Rights Reserved
Book 1 of Zodiac Signs. Contains: - fun facts - zodiac squads - personality traits - zodiac relationships & many more!! (IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR SIGN, DM ME.) (I DO LOVE COMPATIBILITY's, DM ME FOR YOURS.) _______________________________________________ #31 in Random (9/30/15)
Book 2 of Zodiac Signs. Contains: - fun facts - zodiac squads - personality traits - zodiac relationships & many more!! (IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR SIGN, DM ME.) (I DO LOVE COMPATIBILITY's, DM ME FOR YOURS.) _______________________________________________ #18 in Random - (10/1/15)
Its going to be about everything pertaining to Zodiac signs etc. Would have alot of FUN things in here. This is BOOK 2 of ZODIAC SIGNS!! Do check it out. I got great news too, if you continue being my daily fan, all gets dedications ^_^ .©COPYRIGHT 2015 by @rainbow_kisses1 .....All Rights Reserved