Drarry Poem
A Drarry poem I wrote once while I was in shipping mode, nothing special
What can happen if Harry stay in Hogwarts for Christmas break alone? Secretly feelings, loneliness and words who can change everything...
HARRY POTTER In which a fangirl plays a very important role in their relationship. J. K. Rowling owns most of the characters in my story. I do not.
HARRY POTTER Draco accidentally casts a charm on himself, with Harry at their routine breakfast and ends up in St. Mungos. •After-War• *shipping (duh)* ~please keep the criticizing nice~ •*~NOT ALL OF OF THESE CHARACTERS BELONG TO ME! THIS STORY IS FOCUSED ON J.K.ROWLING'S HARRY POTTER CHARACTERS AND SETTINGS!~*•
A Drarry one shot where Harry and Draco are already dating.
HARRY POTTER In which Harry and Draco are faced with a question and need help from others to accomplish what has to happen.