Zodiacs & Convos (book 3)
This will be BOOK 3 (the last one) in the Zodiac Trilogy! ;) © COPYRIGHT 2015 by rainbow_kisses1 .....All Rights Reserved
This will be BOOK 3 (the last one) in the Zodiac Trilogy! ;) © COPYRIGHT 2015 by rainbow_kisses1 .....All Rights Reserved
Its going to be about everything pertaining to Zodiac signs etc. Would have alot of FUN things in here. This is BOOK 2 of ZODIAC SIGNS!! Do check it out. I got great news too, if you continue being my daily fan, all gets dedications ^_^ .©COPYRIGHT 2015 by @rainbow_kisses1 .....All Rights Reserved
The utter most inner thoughts and feelings of one who has but no other way to express them and therefore without a pen a paper she very much may spontaneously combust in an explosion of secrets bottled up for far far too long. : )