Just the differences of life and it's bullshit. [ONE-SHOT] -- All rights reserved to LoveStarHyerin. I accept full hate to plagiarizers, haters, backstabbers, and bitches.
Just the differences of life and it's bullshit. [ONE-SHOT] -- All rights reserved to LoveStarHyerin. I accept full hate to plagiarizers, haters, backstabbers, and bitches.
Ayo~ my name is Han Yunseo I'm 17 years old and I'm the leader of Sirius from HSent. Welcome to Yunseology~ Credits to Comebackeu Graphic Shop for the fab cover~ ❤️
Annyeonghaseyo! Goo Min Hye imnida!~ This book you are about to read is purposely about myself, my feelings, my events for today, my emotions, and other stuff I'd like to share. In other words, it's a blog. If you are somehow offended with what I am going to write, please kindly leave as I do not tolerate any kinds of...