Depression Poems and Quotes
A book of poems that I have written, and some of my favourite quotes. For people with depression, self harm, self hate, and suicidal thought. These poems and rants are for you. They poor out my heart cause I'm going through all of those things too! *I do not own the quotes, but I do own the poems and rants*
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The Depressed Life (Book of Poems, Quotes, and Rants)
This is the sequel to the book 'Depression Poems and Quotes'! *ONLY READ IF YOU HAVE DEPRESSION, YOU SELF HARM, ARE SUICIDAL, ETC. OR IF YOU'VE HAD EXPERIENCE WITH IT* I wrote all of the poems and rants unless said otherwise! But the quotes are found on the internet! *Warning, this book isn't intended on helping...
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~Depressing poems 1
Hello there, here are some depressing poems (: sorry if you don't like them by the way♥
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