Forever A Ghost
Just because you know you're better than someone else, doesn't mean you are better than me.
Just because you know you're better than someone else, doesn't mean you are better than me.
Janice is the perfect angel. The way she treated her friends and her glorious looks. She completes all her missions perfectly. She was raised by saints. God opened the doors of heaven for her. Now to return the favor, Janice has to help all the unfaithful. Her last mission is to help a boy find the path...
"The most frightening story I have ever read", "Terrifying", "I never want to sleep alone again", "The first time I have read a story which has made my heart race", "Brilliantly written", "Honestly the most gripping story I've read in a long time, from the very first line to the very last. I think everyone that read t...
For 16 Year-Olds Glenn, Vince, and Mike, Summer is a Bore! With nothing to do but chill at "The Field" and pass out...quite literally. Passing out is nothing Mike has certainly never tried, convinced it wasn't TOO harmful, he tried it...big mistake.
Rule #1: Never be alone, have someone always with you, no matter where you are. Rule #2: Don't acknowledged their presence or you'll give them the satisfaction of them scaring you. Rule #3: Always, and I mean Always have a crucifix with you no matter where you are. Rule #4: Pray every night, every day, when you e...