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  • Heroic Death System (BL)
    2.5M 117K 200

    Raws: http://www.jjwxc.net/onebook.php?novelid=2740204 Link:http://snowycodex.com Author: Snowfield Specter Status: 275 Chapters (Complete) Summary: 【I curse you to never have a peaceful death!】 Thus, Shang Ke started a never-ending (forced) cycle of constantly throwing away his miserable life. He would always show...

  • Get Demoted Into Cannon Fodder
    1.8M 92.9K 78

    In other novels, the plot got messed up because of other people while Shi Shen, the male protagonist messed his own plot before others even had the chance to do it. Transmigrator A:"His beauty is unparalleled, his skin is white as jade.He has a king aura born to be a sovereign Pei All bullshit!All I see was a nerd wit...

  • Kill the Lights~Jangryang
    185K 5.4K 29

    Mason was a mercenary, until the day he died on a mission after being betrayed by his unit.By fate, his soul was reincarnated to the lifeless body of a controversial actor .How would he handle this ? Can he avenged his own death? Kill the Lights by Janryang Proofreader/Editor: Kaima, Hwarang Credits: Cover photo: htt...

  • God of Ice and Snow[BL]
    52.8K 3.3K 22

    In this world where the strong rule the weak, a man, betrayed by the person he trusted, is reborn as an infant. Growing up, he goes through many challenges and faces difficult problems in order to obtain his goal. But a fateful encounter ultimately lead to buried secrets being dug up once more, revealing a mysterious...

  • Fairytale System {bl}
    562K 32.6K 25

    Cerise was a worldwide famous author of multiple novels. He was widely popular with both males and females because of his looks and talent and was very successful money-wise. He was a man whose life and accomplishments were praised and envied by many. Until he died by getting hit by a car whose driver was having a gre...

  • No Time
    254K 2.6K 7

    Announcement: Moved to Webnovel! It's updated to 80+ chapters there! Even before the apocalypse, Shui Yu's family and life were falling apart. So when he went back to the time when he was born, he tried hard to prepare and teach his siblings so that they would not be separated in this lifetime. But even though he was...

  • Demonii: Secretul
    10.7K 569 13

    O poveste despre modul în care scriu istoria cei care câștigă războiul. Dacă această lege se aplică oamenilor, de ce să nu se aplice și divinității? Mike este un adolescent care mereu s-a aflat în mijlocul unei lupte. Acum, el se vede tras într-o lume în care cel mai puternic se află în vârful lanțului trofic. Va ajun...

  • The Immortal I. Shadows of the past
    68K 1.7K 47

    Sunetul infundat al armei care nu era incarcate sa auzit pentru a treia oara in ultimele cinci minute . Vanesa a rasuflat usurata si Rick a luat-o imediat in brate . - Noi vom fi cei care vom destrama o data pentru totdeauna lantul asta blestemat al mortii , spune ea cu aceiasi voce infricosatoare . Trece printre noi...

  • Mirror Reflection(Yaoi 18+)
    90.1K 6.3K 32

    Umbla peste tot zvonuri dubioase despre un vechi conac ce se afla la iesire din orasul Chicago.Rikki Charles(un baiat pasionat de astronomie)impreuna cu parintii lui se decid sa se mute in acel conac pentru ca Rikki sa-si continuie studiile la cea mai buna universitate din tara.Pe peretele din camera sa,este expusa o...

  • H.E.R.O.
    51.6K 5.5K 39

    H.E.R.O Human Evolution and Reinforcement Organization Organizatia condusa de catre guvern pentru a tine specia umana in siguranta.Gena Bersek, o anomalie in ADN uman care se dezvolta mai ales la adolescenti, este cauza principala a organizatiei.Ea izoleaza persoanele afectate in agentie pentru o perioada de...

  • Sotul meu bestia
    434K 21.6K 24

    Martha Bernard este o fata normala cu un tata miliardar si o familie iubitoare,dar o singura clipa ii schimba viata total .Intr-un moment de neatentia ,aceasta da nas in nas cu viitorul ei ,sotul ei ,pacatul ,fericirea si disperarea sa .Se trezeste ca dintr-o fata simpla de liceu ajunge sotie si inca sotia unui bar...

  • Urmașul Pandemoniului: Cântecul Demonilor
    7.7K 188 3

    Volumul 2: Cântecul demonilor În urma faptelor din Ultrona, Yano și Hiron se înrolează în armata Antadorului, îmboldiți de dorința de a-și salva căminul. Lumea oamenilor se stinge, iar Anador își deschide porțile pentru cei rămași. Doi giganți ai tuturor vremurilor se aliază împotriva arnalilor, având drept...