A Goddess Unraveled
A lovestruck demigoddess, unaware of her royal status, makes a shocking discovery during a weekend home, and impulsively follows Hades to the underworld to escape Zeus's wrath. ******* Lexi Maxwel...
A lovestruck demigoddess, unaware of her royal status, makes a shocking discovery during a weekend home, and impulsively follows Hades to the underworld to escape Zeus's wrath. ******* Lexi Maxwel...
In this World, Kings are the rulers. Alongside them are their Queens, but most prefer their mistresses. Queens tolerate these women for they are Witches. Witches with immense power that help kingdoms prosper for ages. The most rare of these mistresses are Seers. Their power belongs in their sight. A sight that has bec...
A true story based on a young teenager and their struggle throughout life and society. WARNINGS: Self-harm Gore Depression Heartfelt sadness