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  • Oh God, Not Again! By Sarah1281
    974K 42.6K 51

    Adult Harry Potter accidentally goes back in time and wakes up on his 11th birthday again, but with all his memories of the future intact.

  • Who Are You? (Draco Malfoy)
    1M 23.6K 30

    Draco Malfoy. One of the most arrogant teenage boys in Slytherin's house. He struts through the school and doesn't miss an opportunity to cut someone down, just as he has been by his father his entire life. Now enter Elena Crowe. A quiet girl who tries her hardest to stay out of trouble, and one of Ravenclaw's best s...

  • Hateful Love
    8.8M 203K 65

    Cassie Jackson is in her sixth year of Hogwarts, and is proud to be a Ravenclaw. Plus, she's in the same year as the famous Harry Potter. But a Slytherin by the name of Draco Malfoy keeps crossing paths with her, whether it be by fate or accident. At first, two people could never hate each other more. But with the thr...

  • Moonlight and the Madness of Loving You- (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)
    2.9M 61.2K 54

    Annabelle Blackburn had accepted the fact her parents would never allow her to attend Hogwarts School of Wizardry. But an unexpected visit at her home from none other than the Headmaster Albus Dumbledore and her parents are finally letting her attend Hogwarts. Anna had dreamed of attending the school for years, but ne...

  • Broken and Torn: A Draco Malfoy Love Story
    821K 19.5K 29

    Jillianne Ashwood never knew her parents. Raised by her grandfather from a very young age she never knew what really happened to them. Despite being considered the Slytherin Princess by many of her classmates at Hogwarts, Jillianne is as kind as she is beautiful, especially to her good friend Neville Longbottom, and s...

  • Broken (A Draco Malfoy Fanfiction)
    458K 13.1K 23

    Sometimes when things get wet in the rain they start to crumble and fall apart, under the pressure. That's exactly what happened to the breaking mask of Draco Malfoy when his past threatened to drown him. To push him under the waters of his darkness and not let him rise up to breathe. Maybe she could help him. Maybe...

  • remember me [dramione] ✔️
    2M 63.4K 57

    "Who ever said loving each other was easy?"

  • I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)
    6.9M 149K 50

    Violet Jesperson was dared. But hey! Who doesn't like being dared? When she finds the dare is to fake date Draco Malfoy ... she wonders whether she'll be able to succeed in crushing his heart without killing the annoying git first. Cover by: kyladava (To Be Re-Edited)

  • Sapphire (Lazuli Book #3) - Harry Potter Fan Fiction (Draco Malfoy)
    1.9M 59.2K 32

    Juliet Weasley's life is a mess. Last year, she watched a man she trusted murdered by a man she had learned everything from, she lost the love of her life to the same darkness that wanted to consume her, she had discovered that her entire life had been a lie and revealed the truth of Voldemort's immortality; a truth...

  • Can You Love Me? (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)
    3.6M 67.6K 26

    This is the story of Aris Donavon, a sixteen year-old gryffindor, who up until now had pretty much been non-existant to the Slytherin prince, Draco Malfoy. But suddenly an incident at Kings Cross Station sets into motion a train of events and Aris's life will never be the same. As she comes to grips with her mixed emo...

  • Little Bird
    19.5M 487K 68

    "It's much harder to stay hidden from the Dark Lord when you're in love with a Death Eater." Evelyn Hawkings' parents were well-known Death Eaters, but they died when the Dark Lord fell and Eve was only an infant. Now fifteen years have passed and Voldemort is back, and Eve has changed her last name to stay hidden fro...

  • Lazuli - Harry Potter Fan Fiction (Draco Malfoy)
    6.2M 167K 36

    When Juliet Weasley tells people who her parents are, they can hardly believe their ears. All of the Weasley's have red hair, freckles, and belong to Gryffindor House, right? Wrong. When Juliet was sorted into Slytherin in her first year at Hogwarts, her parents practically disowned her, her twin brother Ron and th...

  • Die Eisprinzessin(Harry Potter ff)
    356K 19.5K 70

    Tom und Saphira Skyla Riddle sind ein Herz und eine Seele. Tom liebt seine Zwillingsschwester wirklich sehr. Sie ist das einzige, das er noch hat. Bei einem Experiment der beiden passiert etwas ungeplantes. Saphira wird durch einen Zauber in die Zukunft katapultiert. Dumbledore findet sie und erkennt sie sofort, deswe...

  • Risky Love (Draco&Hermione)
    155K 5.5K 61

    Ein neues Schuljahr beginnt.Doch dieses Jahr wird anderst.Was ist wenn das schönste und schlauste Mädchen sich in Mister Ichkannallesperfekt verguckt? Probleme sind vorprogrammiert und der Dunkle Lord wird immer Stärker. .... Alle Rechte liegen natürlich bei J.K.Rowling bis auf ein paar eigene Dinge :)

  • Hermines Schicksal
    617K 31.9K 93

    In Hermines Leben scheint im Moment alles perfekt zu sein. Voldemort ist besiegt, sie hat Ron (auch, wenn sie mit ihm keine 'kluge' Unterhaltung führen kann) und Harry kann endlich ein 'normales' Leben führen. Was man unter normal versteht... Er ist berühmter denn je, Eulen mit Fanpost in den Krallen flattern um sein...

  • Rosalie Lily Hope Snape
    46.2K 1.9K 13

    Was wenn Severus Snape eine kleine Tochter hat ? Wenn er sie durch Zufall wieder findet ? Was wenn sie nach Gryffindore kommt und sich mit den goldenen Trio anfreundet ? Was ist wenn sie andere Seiten bei Severus Snape hervor holt ? Was ist wenn sie auf Draco Malfoy den Eisprinzen von Slytherin trifft uns es schaff...

  • Black's Tochter - H.P. Ff
    160K 9.6K 47

    Katherine Black landet einfach so plötzlich mitten in der Quidditch-arena. Sie weiß nichts von Ihrer Herkunft, Ihrer Gaben oder gar ihrer Bestimmung. Aber plötzlch muss sie sich mit so vielen Sachen rumschlagen. Als sie dann auch noch herausfindet wer ihr Vater ist und was er getan oder auch nicht getan hat weiß sie...