50 Shades of Trey Songz
Amina Carter works for the Trey Songs at Songz Productions and a little noisiness got her into a whole new mindset.Will things ever be the same or is she stuck in this forever.
Amina Carter works for the Trey Songs at Songz Productions and a little noisiness got her into a whole new mindset.Will things ever be the same or is she stuck in this forever.
This is a story about 3 Bestfriends who are on a journey to find who and what they are, but it's not easy especially since they all have seemed to find their love and are dying to make it through without crashing...for their own freedom and future ...they wont find it too easy to breathe anymore . It'll take them a wh...
The part two to Jacob Latimore (a love story). Mystery, romance and drama. Y/n and Jacob were having problems before, but now their problems are even bigger. The past is coming to them and secrets are being brought out.
Imprisoned at the age of 18, Jacob has to rebuild his life. With hopes of becoming a successful business man everything in his life has changed. The love of his life Laila Cobbs framed him. The two were inseparable, and when things begin to become unstable in their relationship she does the unthinkable. How can one co...
this story is about Jacob laimore and his girlfriend ceaira....they been through fights break ups and split ups but whenever they be apart they end up getting HURT!! no matter what.. they have to stay together...once they start getting hurt they start realizing how strong there love is..but one day a big mistake will...
Jamie Jackson is your typical girl. She's pretty, but there will be others girl who will be jealous of her beauty and say she's ugly. They'll be girls who'll be jealous of her walk, talk and the way she dresses. Is she suppose to care? I think not. Soon Jamie meets Jacob. The New pain in her life. They can't get along...
Meet Taylor Shaw. She's 16 years old, popular, stylish, smart. Everyone wants to be her friend. but when she gets braces and glasses, her popularity level goes straight down.. No one wants to be her friend anymore. The girls who were supposed to be her friends, turned on her. Then she meets Jacob. They become best fr...