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  • The Abby Diaries
    1.5M 6.2K 13

    Abby and Asher come from a family of witches. When they learn that Brooklyn is a witch as well, the three become fast friends. But Brooklyn wants more than the life she has now. She wants power, popularity and love...and she's willing to do anything to get it. "The Abby Diaries" is written from the perspective of Abby...

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  • Illumination of the End (Frerard)
    328K 11.2K 24

    Frank gets kicked out of his house after his parents find out about his drug addiction. He's left without a home, but Gerard, the strange art kid that he's seen around school a few times, helps him out. What happens when Frank starts to fall for Gerard? He's never felt this way about a guy before, but will Gerard have...