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  • Star Wars: The Jedi Reborn ✓
    113K 7K 130

    Luke Skywalker, the Last Jedi, faces his toughest challenge yet. After taking his Jedi vows, he assumes the misbelief that love has no place in his life. As a result, he denies the love he craves in order to establish the New Jedi Order and maintain peace and justice in the New Republic. His sister's tumultuous marria...

  • Lawyer Levi
    352 87 27

    " Thirty-- the promise of a decade of loneliness, a thinning list of single men to know, a thinning brief case of enthusiasm, thinning hair. " Age of Suits. Age of success. Dawn of a new part in the mid life of 30. Times of luxury and the " Good life " in the wild, enthusiastic, thrill filled streets of New York. Tim...

  • What's Behind Destiny's Doors ( #Wattys2015)
    224 29 4

    Emma needed love to escape from all her problems and the conflicts she had in her life . So inspite of all the unstable realtionships she's been through , Emma is still taking a risk and willing to find the one. But after she had fell in love with anothr guy whom she was conviced that he's the one , Emma didn't know...

  • A journey to the memory of the past
    129 8 1

    A seventeen years old girl visits her mum' s old mansion and stumbles upon a secret that changes her perspective towards life and helps her to move on from the tragic nightmare. secret passages, hidden riddles this story has it all

  • Things Girls Must Know. About us GUYS
    1.9M 53.3K 124

    Things girls should know...about dating a guy, being in a relationship with a guy, crushing on a guy...