Sepse disa histori mbeten gjithnje te tilla...
Marrim frymë çdo ditë e kjo na duket gjëja më normale, por shumë njerëz i numërojnë frymëmarrjet. Frymëmarrja e fundit që numëruan mund të jetë e fundit për ta. Ata kanë nevojë për një frymëmarrje më shumë për të vazhduar luftën që kanë nisur, kanë nevojë për një frymëmarrje më shumë për të jetuar. Një kancer portokal...
Kujtonte qe ate mbremje kish enderruar per fusha te gjelberta, qiej te kalter e njebriresha fluturues. E fundit enderr femijenore, e fundit enderr e bukur sepse me pas kish patur vetem makthe, makthe qe sfidonin realitetin e kurre nuk triumfonin mbi te sepse makthi me i keq ishte ai ne te cilin zgjohej cdo mengjes - o...
Dy telefona... Mijera telefonata... Nje numer i parregjistruar... Dhe asnjehere sinqerisht "te dua"... ~~~ (eshte shkruar kur kam qen ne klase te tete-nente, por gjithsesi give it a try if u have nothing more interesting to do)
" Kur je nje vajze qe karakterizohesh nga mosbesimi dhe ndjeshmeria emocionale, pendohesh shume per zgjedhjet e tua, " Buzeqesha, " Por asnjehere nuk jam penduar ne lidhje me ty. " " E di," M'u pergjigj, " E kam ditur gjithmone."
To the world he was a beast but for her he would do anything. He could have the world but all he wanted was her. They say the things we want most are the things we can't have. For she was so afraid of him that even the thought of him could have her running for the hills. Little did she know that she was the only one w...
Almost sunset and I am staring again at the early stars. What else can heal me except the beautiful moon? @ All rights are reserved to me: Besjan Xhemajli, 2017.
Julie has always been the shy type. Her world changes when she finds wattpad, a very popular ebook community. She becomes addicted to it and even starts posting her own stories. But are friends, fans and votes all she will get from this site? Or is it possible to find love as well?
Ashu si dhe shum histori te tjera edhe kjo nuk esht shkruar nga un, por ma ka derguar autorja ne inbox e faqes ne fb.... Me lejen e autores historia po publikohet edhe ne wattpad..... .....Shpresoj tju pelqej :)
**Unedited, messy & with lots of mistakes. But you will still swoon if you give it a chance lol (but you've been warned)** After a bad breakup, Emily moves across the world to find herself. Getting involved in a relationship is the last thing she wants, but that changes when she meets a handsome stranger, who's perfec...
*Histori e shkurter* Mund te jete pak e rende dhe ndryshe. Read at your own risk!
It's not everyday that you get asked by a multi-billionaire man to marry his son. One day when Abrielle Caldwell was having the worst day of her life; the son of a multi-Billionaire bumps into her making her drop her books outside of school. Not knowing he was Ace Daniels, she threw all her anger out at him, and Ace e...
Sepse eshte pikerisht nje i trete qe shkaterron gjithcka...eshte ai treshi mistik por qe ndyshe nga perrallat ne dashuri shkaterron gjithcka! Ne te nuk ka vend per tre. Dashuria eshte ndenja sublime qe lind mes dy personave, qe i ze ne kurth me hilet e saj, dhe me pas...dhe me pas zgjedh ti afroje ose largoje njhere e...
Highest Rank: #1 in Romance, #1 - painting, #1 - heartbreaker, #1 - one-sidedlove, #1 - unrequitedlove, #1 - engagement *********************** Still not satisfied with our physical contact, he leaned his face down to meet mine as his fingers gripped my chin. "Fiancée?" he asked, whispering the word. I nodded as the t...
Sequel of "Claimed By Him Without Love" "Do you Mr. James Ashton, take Miss Liza Miller to be your wedded wife, to cherish in love and in friendship, in strength and in weakness, in success and in disappointment, to love her faithfully, today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you shall live?" The Father asked m...
In the desert, an instant turns life into death and hate into love. In the desert, everything is different. Boundaries break down, and you find yourself doing things that you would never, ever have imagined. Lilly Linton finds this out the hard way: in the shadow of the pyramids, she and her boss, cold, calculatin...
Ata ishin si nje planet, ne te cilin nuk kishte jete pa njerin apo tjetrin. Ishin gjysma e njeri-tjetrit. Dy shpirtra binjake te vuajtur ne te shkuaren e te destinuar per te jetuar bashke te ardhmen...
"U zgjova ne mengjes nga zeri i mamit qe therriste emrin tim aq fort sa thua se isha kilometra te tere larg saj. Pavaresisht se kisha fjetur me teper se sa duhet, ende ndihesha teper e lodhur, dhe per me teper s'kisha asnje arsye per te qene e tille. U ngrita dhe pashe se jashte po binte shi. Ne dritare kishte buleza...
Jeta e ka mesuar ate te jete gjithmone e forte , t'i beje balle cdo sfide ne jete . Cdo gje e ka braktisur . Jeta e ka braktisur , madje dhe nena e saj. Nje jete ne jetimore , nje jete e mbushur plot veshtiresi. I eshte mohuar cdo buzeqeshje , cdo rast gezimi , por serish vazhdon te qendroje e forte , vazhdon te f...
Erdhi edhe per ate koha kur kupton qe bota rreth saj eshte krejt ndryshe nga se e kishte imagjinuar. Nje ngjare tronditese i ndosh asaj, teksa ne anen tjeter dikush kthehet ne mbrojtjen e saj me te fuqishme. A dashuron ajo personin e gabuar, apo personi i gabuar dashuron ate? Po nese personat me te tmerrshem te kesaj...
A wattpad featured story! Highest ranking: #1 in CHICKLIT 'Sjellja e tij indiferente e bëri Enxhin të pyeste veten a e kishte kuptuar vallë që ajo ishte aty. Po vazhdonte të shikonte dosjen, sikur në dhomë të mos ndodhej askush. Manuel. Manuel. E ripërsëriti disa herë emrin e tij ne kokë. Manuel. Bëri edhe disa hapa p...
Ktheva kokën dhe e vështrova me pikëpyetje. Instiktivisht ngrita një vetull. -E di që je shumë seksi kur e bën atë,-pëshperiti në mënyrë seduktive duke u afruar akoma më shumë. Tashmë frymëmarrja e tij ritmike më binte në buzë. Vetëm disa centimetra i ndanin sytë tanë. 〰 Kisha lexuar libra që flisnin për vajza që rrëm...
Pershendetie.... Kjo esht historia e par qe po publikoj ne wattpad. Historia esht shkruar nga nje miku im. Historia flet per nje cift adoleshentesh Vikena dhe Ermali. Esht 100% reale dhe shkruar nga njeri prej personazheve.... Shpresoj tju pelqej...
Lives of two people has crossed path. One who never, ever in his years of living believed in soul mate. Popular, cars, house screaming money, the City's most talked about bachelor, He was a worshiped god in eyes of many women. But ..... not a dater I know right? But there came a woman who has turned his way of life...
PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY READ THE REVISED VERSION OF THIS BOOK! Blair Price struggles with a lot of things in her life, such as her mother's death, her father's new 'perfect' family, and secretly loving her best friend. Blair and Harry have known each other for almost fifteen years. He's her rock, her li...
Jonathan Garner, ordinary high school Chemistry teacher, is engaged to be married to the love of his life, Julia. Life for the couple is as blissful as they had hoped it would be, until the mysterious Charlene Craig and her mother arrive in town. Jonathan finds himself drawn to Charlene in ways he fails to decipher...
"Never Fall for a Bad Boy." That's what Olivia has always been told. So why did she go and do it anyway? And why did he have to be the best friend of her Best Friend's very own bad boy? This is something she never expected. When Olivia and Thomas first meet in home economics, she was a little more than surprised. She...
Cdo gje ka nje fund. Por le t'ja nisim nga fillimi. Briana, nje vajze e re, me nje karakter shume te forte. E mbyllur ne vete, me shume pak miq rreth saj. Asaj i pelqejne shume librat, historite. Te vetmet qe e shkepusin nga bota. Jeton ne nje familje modeste, me nenen dhe babain e saj. Nuk beson ne dashuri me shikim...