The Contract
In this case, you don't fall in love with a bad boy. He falls in love with you.
In this case, you don't fall in love with a bad boy. He falls in love with you.
Isabelle Torres is a whore. It's the only thing she can be, at Mason Almony High School. She is a slut who sleeps around with everyone and goes to every party practically naked. Reputation is important. But oh, Xavier Serrano makes her wish differently. A beautiful but decent boy makes her want to drop her...
انتقام ميتونه درست نقطه مقابل تو باشه ولى با اينكه اينو ميدونى سعى ميكنى خودت رو باهاش يكى كنى حالا فكر كن اين وسط شخصى وارد بازى بشه و سعى كنه تورو در مقابل اون چيزى كه ميخواى بشى حفظ كنه ! [ البته به روش خودش]
زندگي فراز و نشيب هاي خودش و داره ، ولي در صورتي عاديه كه خود فرد هم ، فردي عادي و معمولي باشه.