Guilty pleasure {august alsina}
This is a book about a actress Named Tina Lopez and she meets a guy at this party that her step brother Kendrick (lamar) threw. Everyone knew she was hard to get with they all tried but August changed that for her. She try's to play hard to get but will that work?? Read and find out. A/n if you wanna be in my book inb...
Sex, lies, tears an august alsina story
Follow August and Honesty on their path of love can they relationship get better or stay rocky
Its Just Sex August Alsina
Two Bestfriends August And Jayden Start Having Sex But What Happens When Jayden Wants More Than That ... Read And Find Out
but your my older -stepbrother (august alsina and mila j love story)
first hes my bully then hes my -brother. and ot im in love him. how can I fix this. did this problem go to far for me to fix. read to find out.