Chaotic Ruminations
Bouncing, free radical, often nonsensical thoughts, words, & phrases which have escaped my mind. Read at your own risk; no lifeguard would ever volunteer to swim in this mess.
Once Upon Now
Do you love writing and sharing your stories on Wattpad? Do you have a wild imagination and tales to tell? Do you wish you could be a published author-and have your work appear in you local Target store for your friends and family to see? Well the new #OnceUponNow contest gives you a chance to do all of that! Keep re...
A Sinner's Diary
Small bit of history about me and this work. Although raised in a Christian home, I lived with carnality for much of my teen-early adult life. I still struggle daily with putting Jesus first. Hence, the reason for this work. I owe a debt to Pastor Mark [now in glory] and others for bringing me toward a deeper rela...
What He Has Taught Me
Things that God has written on my heart and that I've learnt from people that I would love to share with the world.
A Christian Worship Book
These are stories, poems, and songs, that I and others have written, in honor of our Lord and Savior