Crunchy Fluff
This is a miscellany. A bag of sparks and mischief, and, spilled out of it, goats eating clotheslines. There are no similar stories. :)))
This is a miscellany. A bag of sparks and mischief, and, spilled out of it, goats eating clotheslines. There are no similar stories. :)))
We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry, because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion... And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits, necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay ali...
parallax /ˈpærəˌlæks/ noun 1. an apparent change in the position of an object resulting from a change in position of the observer 2. an apparent shift in the position of an object, such as a star, caused by a ch...
WARNING : Graphic descriptions ... sexual scenes ... crude language ... controversial subjects ... mature content. WARNING.
Ryan Taylor is a seventeen year old on a mission to Europa, a moon of Jupiter that supposedly has an ocean under its ice crust. He is teamed with a girl his age that has a mysterious past. Their mission is boring at the start but when they penetrate into the moon’s vast ocean they’re in for the adventure of their live...
I've never really been what you would call a good person. I was a bully, an intolerant jerk, and a disrespectful youth. I'm just trying to make amends and atone for the wrongs I've done. We all have baggage that makes us who we are, mine lead me to act out and hurt others. This collection of poems is about the struggl...
I decided to share some of my favorite quotes with you peeps. If any of you have any quotes you would like me too add and dedicate too you, feel free to put them in the comments. Even if I don't know you, and your not a follower of mine, put them in the comments. Well I hope you like, and even vote too support me, tha...
" thoughts that breathe and words that burn."--Thomas Gray "Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash." --Leonard Cohen Poems on the tough stuff in life. Poems on the crazy good stuff in life. Poems to make you smile, and poems to make you cry. Long poems, sh...