The MAC isn't perfect
Amy stays a night at Sqampy's house and wakes up to find out she's going to the most magical place on earth!
Amy stays a night at Sqampy's house and wakes up to find out she's going to the most magical place on earth!
This story is a romantic/ fanfic type one I take suggestions! These are the couples or ships I use, Stamy (Stampy and Amy) Sqampy (Sqaishy and Stampy) Sqalem (Squid and Salem) Lamy (Lee and Amy) Nee (Netty and Lee) Sqaball (Sqaishy and Finball) Foise (Rosie and Finball) Sqaiud (Squid and Sqaishy) Sqamy (Squid and Amy)...
Amy who was good friends with Squid and Stampy introduces her best friend Sqaishey to Stampy. Both Sqaishey and Stampy finally express their feelings for each other and not longer after that Amy and Squid do the same. Will the "Perfect Couples" remain perfect forever? Find out here.