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  • Conversations In the Storm
    25.2K 1.2K 13

    Caroline Hunter has been afraid of thunderstorms since she was little. As a particularly nasty storm is about to hit, she is starting to panic when Nick Wilkins - the man who publicly broke her heart two months before - forces his way in and states he needs shelter until the storm is over. Is he really just there for...

  • Riders (SK) /DOKONČENÉ/
    175K 10.5K 42

    ,,Čo tu robíš?" prešla od svojej motorky ku nemu. ,,Zabudol som si tu bundu." dúfal, že na jej tvári vyčarí úsmev. No hlboko sa mýlil. Mračila sa rovnako ako vždy keď ju vidí. ,,Nie, čo robíš v mojom živote." ××× Mladé dievča, skrývajúce svoju pravú tvár pod maskou sarkazmu...

  • Temnota Bieleho Svetla |POZASTAVENÉ|
    760 68 11

    Stvorenie... Žijúce na Zemi, no vytvorené Nebom a Peklom zároveň. Horiace túžbou poznať celý svet, no zároveň zostať na jednom mieste. Prahnúce po vojne, no aj po živote v mieri. Skryté za rúškom noci, no stále vystavené svetlu. Milujúce ľud, no samo hľadá lásku. Spálené v Nebi, horiace v Pekle. Žijúce v obyčajnom, no...

  • You and Me (A Wattpad Featured Story) ✔
    526K 13.4K 14

    A YA love story about the power of emotional heartbreak, the barriers in life that we may face and the actions of others close around us. Currently Featured on Wattpad! Fifteen year old Sara thought she had the perfect relationship. Boyfriend Mark was kind, patient and a person that she could turn into in times of nee...

  • Chladné srdce
    36.5K 3.1K 25

    Lauren je obyčajné dievča, až na to že ju mama nechcela porodiť. Celý čas sa o ňu stará otec a jej mama dáva stále najavo ako ju nechce. Keď má Lauren štrnásť, otec ju aj jej mamu opustí kvôli inej. Zostáva tak s mamou, ktorá jej strpčuje život, ale keď má Lauren pätnásť odsťahujú sa do New Yorku. Ako predpokladala ma...

  • silver flamingová
    5.4K 616 7

    Ohňostroj môže vybuchnúť i vo vašom srdci. Ak sa tak stane, poradí vám Silver Flamingová. • • • • Kráčali spolu bok po boku mrazivou tmou. Obaja mlčali. Obaja premýšľali. Obaja dúfali, že niečo povie ten druhý. Silver nechcela povedať niečo hlúpe. Bála sa, že sa pred Henrym urobí hlúpou. Chcela sa tomu bystrému chla...

  • The Good Girl's Bad Boys [Book One of TGGBB Series] (Completed, Editing)
    95M 3.4M 85

    If you're judging this book by its cover and title, you're already proving the point this story wants to make. Try to move past this satirical obstacle in front of you. This is a story about bullying, and like the hundreds of other books on the topic, it will show you the harsh reality of being discriminated, belittle...

  • Asgamoroth: Dcéry Zla ✔
    5K 485 31

    Princezná, ktorá nenávidí svojho despotického otca. Čarodejnica, ktorá bola uväznená kvôli svojej moci a poslaniu. Osud ich zvedie dokopy, aby konečne ukázali, že ani mágia nedokáže to, čo odvaha, dôvera a sila priateľstva. Dámy a páni, predstavujem vám prvú časť príbehu z bájnej krajiny Asgamoroth... ©EchoNixe 2013...

  • Life in Paintings
    279K 17.5K 58

    "I must have hit my head a lot harder than I had anticipated, or maybe breathe too much smoke because this is definitely nut-case crazy. Or a very creepy dream that feels way too real for my own good. I can pat my subconscious on the back for that one, but at the same time, it might be a little over the top." When Mel...

  • 100%
    92.5K 7.8K 26

    "Takže, kolik procent už podle tebe náš vztah má?" "Promiň, ale my máme vztah?"

  • Power of elements[cz]
    46K 4.6K 23

    Příběh Summer Johnsnové pokračuje. Zjišťuje nová tajemství... Nachází nové přátele.. Ale staří nepřátele se vrací a spojují s dalšími.. Náklonnost se mění v lásku.. Jak vše dopadne se dočtete v příběhu.

  • Eight rules
    181K 15.2K 30

    „Som zavislý," „To nemyslíš vážne?!" „Myslím a navyše sa do nedá liečiť." „N-nie, prosím... veď predsa každá závislosť sa dá niekde liečiť!" „Vieš, veľmi pochybujem, že sa niekde dá liečiť závislosť na Clare Brooklynovú." Každý z nás má slabé miesto. Jeho slabým miestom je ona. [Príbeh neprešiel gramatickou ani žiadno...

  • Room Service
    1.9M 66.3K 13

    With summer just around the corner, Coraline's prepared for another busy tourist season at her family's hotel. What she's not expecting, however, is England's hottest up-and-coming music sensation, Leon McCarthy, showing up at the check-in desk.

  • Serenity Falls
    5.1M 97.7K 61

    Serenity Falls is one of the best, most exclusive and most expensive schools in the entire country - and Olivia Webb has just been offered a scholarship. On the outside, the school is perfect. Brand new, perfect students, perfect results. But on the inside, much more drama goes down than anyone could ever imagine...

  • Double Vision
    118K 5.9K 9

    “My sister passed away over a month ago. The last time I saw her was yesterday.” When eighteen-year-old Reese Washington dies of an undetected heart defect, she leaves a bucket list behind: ten things, all incomplete, detailing the stuff she never got to do. Struggling with her grief, Reese’s twin sister, Callie, sees...

  • Vanilla
    5.4M 156K 30

    "Not just a flavour, but a way of life." When seventeen-year-old Flo Kennedy is forced to up sticks and trade her life in London for a sleepy seaside town on the south coast, she's anything but excited. Walden-on-Sea could win awards for being Britain's dullest town, and with a population consisting almost entirely o...

  • Camp Runaway
    1.3M 52.9K 25

    Running away from their jobs as camp counselors, Ellie and Seb embark on a road trip with unexpected turns en route to their destination - New York. ***** Camp Raukawee was meant to be where Ellie Morrison and Sebastian Lee spent their summer workin...

  • Wingless
    1.9M 22.3K 17

    Charlie is in serious hot water. After a naked girl falls from the sky, lands on his lawn, and claims to be from heaven, his entire summer is flipped upside-down. This girl can talk to animals, fight like a ninja, and hear people's thoughts. Plus, it doesn't hurt that she's got the most gorgeous blue eyes this side of...

  • Hush, Howl (Complete and Editing)
    9.9M 136K 38

  • Mabel's Secret {On Hold}
    35.5K 556 8

    Mabel Moreau's parents are the king and queen of Crescentina, making her a princess. She's your typical princess; she wears the dresses, she puts up with the dinners with royals from all over the world, she even follows the rules. Except one tiny rule...She's in love with a commoner. But when a sudden death occurs in...

  • The Smell Of Roses [CZ]
    576K 41.1K 32

    Odešel, protože se bál pocitů, kterými k ní vzplanul. Teď se vrací zpátky. Pokračování 'The Smell Of Cigarettes'.

  • The Smell Of Love [CZ]
    458K 34K 31

    Láska je komplikovaná. Láska je krutá. Láska vás zraní. Láska vám před oči nasadí růžové brýle. Láska vám toho hodně vezme, ale taky hodně daruje. Láska je důležitá. Je všude kolem nás. Pokračování 'The Smell Of Cigarettes' + 'The Smell Of Roses'.

  • Forever & Always [CZ]
    458K 29.1K 48

    Ona umírá, on žije svůj sen. Ona je smutná, on se stále směje. Ona chce skončit svůj život, on si každou minutu svého života užívá. Co se stane, když se tihle dva seznámí? Může z toho vzniknout láska? Dokáže Louis naučit Emily znovu žít a užívat si poslední chvilky jejího života? VAROVÁNÍ!!!!!!!!! ČTĚTE NA SVOU VLASTN...

  • The Smell Of Cigarettes [CZ]
    784K 49.2K 31

    Vždycky voněl cigaretami a smutkem. Tajemno z něj přímo sálalo. Vřel tajnostmi a já jsem byla připravená je všechny odhalit. Byla jsem připravená poznat Willa Dansona.

  • A Long Way Down [CZ]
    414K 30.4K 35

    „Byla krásná. Nevypadala jako modelky na módních časopisech nebo holky vyvěšené na billboardech po městě. Byla krásná jejím vlastním způsobem. Neměla zlaté vlasy zářící ve tmě. Její oči nebyly v odstínech té nejtmavší modři. Její úsměv nebyl dokonalý..., ale dokázal vám vybít duši z těla. Pokaždé, když se zasmála, us...

  • You're Mine Now [CZ]
    443K 30.6K 24

    „Změnil ses", zašeptala jsem, „k horšímu." „Ale ty mě i tak stále miluješ," řekl sebejistě. „Ne," nesouhlasně jsem zakroutila hlavou, „nemiluju." Dva roky. Takhle dlouhá doba uplynula od té chvíle co se Izz a Chris naposled viděli. Oba začali žít své vlastní životy. Isabella nastoupila na vysokou školu do Birmi...

  • Bad Boy Isn't My Type... (Published as 'The Good Girl's Guide to Bad Boys)
    73.9M 1.8M 50

    "The good girl always falls for the bad boy," he sneered and I smirked. "Well, you're in luck because I'm not a good girl," I retorted, causing a small smile to appear on his face. "Prove it." When Andy Deeks moves away from home to attend university, she soon regrets not checking out the details on her new roommate...

  • In 27 Days (Watty Award Winner 2012)
    50.3M 2M 38

    Hadley Jamison doesn't know what to think when she hears that her classmate, Archer Morales, committed suicide. She didn't exactly know him, but that doesn't stop her from feeling like there was something she could have done to help him. So to Hadley's surprise, on the very night of Archer's funeral, she has a r...

  • The Heartbroken Heartbreaker
    47.1M 1.3M 47

    A painful breakup pushes Kyla Evans to get into a fake relationship with the person her ex-boyfriend hates the most: Seth Everett. But what will she do when the game starts to feel too real? ***** Seventeen-year-old Kyla has sworn off love. After ge...

  • The Cinderella who left her hot pink phone
    362K 1.7K 46

    i promise i wont fall in love again but why does my heart beats for you?? the one i like is the guitarist but why do i have the urge to be only with the drummer?? Let us take a peek at the Life of Liezel as she found herself as the modern cinderella,and how she met her prince charming, where he is the drummer of the w...
