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  • The Maiden and the Savage
    17.3K 281 5

    I've seen the gods play their amusing games on everyone's lives, including mines. Everyone else has dared to play their games back at them - everyone except me. And now, it's my turn to play. To act as the pawn yet think like a Queen. I must always play the pawn to others, for it's the only way I'll survive in a world...

  • I Exist Alone In Your Bed
    18K 551 14

    An orphaned commoner, Eve was sold off at the age of ten to be the playmate of Ramsay Snow. Young Ramsay grows fond of his stubby ignorant little toy after saving her one day. As the pair mature, Eve blossoms into an enticing young woman. How could he resist? She was, after all, his. He owned her. And his innocent Eve...
