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  • Star Middle School
    11.4K 287 20

    Hey Readers!! a new writer is in town!! I'm starting this new story based on The Mario video games!! also I would like to know what you think about it so far!! Description: How do you think Mario and the gang got through middles school? Read it and Find out!!! Epic Cliffhangers, Drama, Secrets Unleashed, Rumours, and...

  • Mini Mushroom High
    12.8K 565 64

    Woo! the sequel to...Star Middle School!! this story will be a LOT more dramatic than the last!! There will also be a bunch of new characters, from the series, and ones that I've inserted! enjoy! Oh! and if you haven't noticed, Boo looks awesome holding that mushroom!!

  • Nintendo Middle School
    2.5K 82 21

    New People, New year, what's wrong with that? Two words, New Rivals!

  • The Journey of Smash
    88 1 2

    Welcome to Smash World! Here in Smash World many Nintendo characters can duke it out in battle. Maybe not just Nintendo characters, hint hint. Also, this Super Smash Bros Fan Fic may also include characters that are not SSB characters. For example, Shadow, Zoroark, and King K. Rool may be included. The story starts of...

  • Super Smash Bros 4 Story Mode
    157 0 3

    Not long after the events of the Subspace Emissary, another powerful threat has endangered humanity once more. However this time, there is a force that is even more powerful than Taboo and Master Hand combined that's calling the shot; and this force has the support of the greatest villains of all time to back him up...

  • Nintendo High
    4.8K 168 11

  • Super Smash Bros Brawl University
    100K 2.5K 30

    Super Smash Bros Brawl University is a high class college. A group of different people find themselves becoming friends. Some closer than others. Together they go through all the drama, adventure, romance, heart break, action, and more in this story. AMAZING COVER MADE BY @PikaGirl260 CHECK OUT HER PROFILE! (:
