♒️ Ask Fem!Cronus ♒️
"Just ask me questions kittens, i ain't afraid of ansvwering any type of question~"
"Just ask me questions kittens, i ain't afraid of ansvwering any type of question~"
hey there vwe decided to ansvwer questions together you knovw a matesprite thing Cr9nus! this is supp9sed to 6e a secret and y9ur d9ibg a terri6le j96 at it right n9w! Admin vwill be on the look out for the gang babe just chill ok I do not own the characters or the comic homestuck that goes to Andrew Hussie
This is my first ask and shit! l6ngu6ge. never! PHOOOOOOOO! anyway my friend is going to help me on this yaay*scarmas* the comments are open. vwe can ansvwer anything. n9 we can't.