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  • Life
    20 4 1

    You want to see a live theater concernt you pay for a ticket and slowly walk in. There are hundreds of chairs to choose from you pick one right in front. You can't wait to see the couple playing there. You hear from your grandparents that it was the most wonderful music ever played, but your grandparents forgot to men...

  • Beautiful Door
    26 4 1

    There's a beautiful door, its made of wood so dark it looks black. There's a carving it covers the whole top door from left to right. Some might back way from the scary door, but some might be curious and want to know what's inside.

  • Tears
    37 6 2

    Have you ever loved? Loved a person so much you would die inside if they were gone. Could be a parent, grandparent, animal, boyfriend, or girlfriend. Heres a story for you

  • Friend
    16 5 1

    In High School alot of things happen. We are bullied, picked on and beat down. In High School I never reported bullying it was there in school but not a thing you tell someone. You had to just roll it off your shoulders. Report it even if you ask your friends and they say no. Dont get beat down, rise above.

  • Beautiful Pages
    9 4 1

    I watch her and take pity on her For someone who cares for others has no feeling but the ones I gave her. Sadness, pain, depression, heartache. The feelings I should have now hers For I gave her my heart which felt no love To still feel broken and fall apart I watch and take pity on her For I Am The Devil

  • Blood
    18 3 1

    This a not a poem for those of you who are weak. Those of you who give into pressure. I don`t want anyone reading this if you are going to do it. Its a serious problem. For those who our strong read and enjoy.

  • The Elements
    391 31 9

    Wind, Water,Fire, and Earth! There's more to each woman going through her gift. Theres going to be more than one part so read on.

  • Another Home
    385 32 13

    The night that fire and death walked hand and hand was a dark one. There were few survivors and one never knew. Helene was in the foster system with her friend Aiden ever since they were found abandoned in the woods. After an accident, they find themselves in another world where something far more sinister then thei...

  • whispers from the woods
    8 3 1

    a dark forest, a lonely girl, a poem about a night that didn't go so well.

  • Invoke
    138K 13.9K 46

    COMPLETED @COPYRIGHT 2013-2023 BOOK COVER COPYRIGHT Invoke is a suspenseful paranormal romance that is imbued with magic and supernatural abound. Alongside the tension of anticipation throughout, you will find that within the pages there are moments that capture poignancy and impart a note of sadness as well. Scarlet...

  • Living on Impulse
    21 2 1

    Suspense A girl, sixteen years of age has to learn how to survive and take charge of her family as the world breaks out into the worst plague man has ever seen. Her father goes missing, her mother loses her mind, and she learns she has feelings for her best friend. It's amazing what you learn about yourself in the m...

  • The Bloody Queen
    70 5 5

    A poetry book filled with dark and some scary poetry by me... Consider it a little insight to the mind of me.
