Camp General Paton
a strict teen military camp. 3 weeks in cabins of 2 people. when our hero... Well not hero.... finds himself stuck in a cabin with a girl he hates things might get feisty, but just enough to be healthy.
a strict teen military camp. 3 weeks in cabins of 2 people. when our hero... Well not hero.... finds himself stuck in a cabin with a girl he hates things might get feisty, but just enough to be healthy.
when you are looking for a few funny pickup lines but don't feel like clearing you search history come to this book. pg-13
Mark has had no father after he died 9 years ago in Iraq but thing have seemed strange. Mark doesn't know how it happend. He woke up one night to find a cloaked man jumping out of his 5th story apartment window and disappeared into the night.The next day he thought he was going insane and found himself staring at peop...
Ryan, a senior at timber high- a boarding school in Florida-,is kinda popular but he is considered to be "attractive" but when the hottest queen of the preps and the baddest chick in school decides to hang out with him he might just have some fun.
It was six am and the four friends -Luke, Max, Abby, and Angel- woke to the sound of banging against a dark window and gunshots. Angel ducked and max screamed like a girl. The radio was softy on but to like it sounded like an explosion as is sounded an ear blistering alarm and screeched " Attention! An outbreak has j...