why, this car is artomatic
OLD ART // it's systematic...it's hyyydromatic...why, it's my art/musical news and updates book!
OLD ART // it's systematic...it's hyyydromatic...why, it's my art/musical news and updates book!
Hi! This is just a random collection of some terrible doodles! Requests Welcomed, but some may be rejected because I'm just not that good at drawing...
Hey guys, so this is my first art book! I hope you enjoy my art XD By the way, ALL the art in this book belongs to ME (those that are not mine, I'll mention the person) Oh and the cover drawing is also mine, don't believe me? You sure? Then what are you waiting for? CHECK THIS ARTBOOK OUT!!
Welcome for the third time~ ;D Having to come here is legit the most awesome thing ever! Have fun here, ye? Peace out~
Yup! All of the random shitty drawings by a retarded kid. (Caution, some of these may seem like were made while I was on LSD, or mushroom. Just sayin') The cover is made of a wonderful artist, and a nice person, @LittleKnifeParty (also, see her drawings. It worth)
O culegere cu desene. Creații personale si inspirate din diverse surse. Enjoy! Ps. Desenele sunt prezentate în evoluție. De la prima mea încercare a unei case,la ultima schiță făcută. Ignorati,va rog, numere. Am schimbat ordinea desenelor si sunt prea multe ca sa le pot schimba tuturor numele capitolului.
Daca nu ai nici cea mai mica legatura cu arta desenului , nu iti pierde timpul cititind. Aceasta contine si capitole paralele , notate cu #Abb . >.
•just some drawings I think are good enough to post on the Internet for people to critique :) comment and tell me what you think• Note: I began this book a while ago, so most of the early drawings DO NOT reflect the style I draw in now, and I'd like to think I've improved a bit throughout this. If you'd like to skip t...
Firstly : (Please Do Not Use These Pictures Without Direct Permission From Me Or Without My Rightful Credit) These are my drawings that I'm really proud of, I want to be an animator/comic illustrator some day so you know. I love drawing people and faces, especially anime style so if you're into it I'd love the feed ba...
Pentru inceput, nu copiez desenele altora pentru ca asa am eu chef sa le fur munca, doar le REPRODUC, pentru ca imi plac, dupa cum am mai spus. Incetati odata, devine obositor si jignitor pentru mine. ♥Cartea va contine desene de-ale mele.Reusite sau mult mai reusite la care o sa ma straduiesc foarte mult: ...