Doctor Who References And When To Use Them
I don't need to tell you how to read do I?
Quotes from Doctor Who (in case the title was unclear). All rights to the BBC.
A young woman who was always the life of the party, quick to tell a joke, always smiling and happy, tragically dies at age 23. What her mother found after her death reflected a much different young woman, her poetry. Her words showed a young woman crying out to feel loved, wanted, beautiful and worthy. Struggling to a...
Before Donna Noble, before Martha Jones and Rose, there was one, the very first companion of the Doctor. She too, was a Time Lord, and his very first real friend, her Gallifrien name, was Alaura, and she travelled with him everywhere.To the ends of the world they went, they travelled through the universe together, wit...
A collection of Doctor Who Poetry! Read, comment, vote, but most of all, enjoy!
Just a bunch of random crap I wrote cause I was bored...enjoy!!! :) Ps: this is my first crack!fic so NO FLAMES PLEASE!! thanks! If you think the jokes are stupid, IM SORRY!! I'm just a lonely person trying to be funny. :( Doctor who isn't mine. If it was,The Doctor would be dating The Master ;)