LOVE STORY.Slender Man: "Nu ma cauta.Eu o sa te gasesc..."
Nu il poti ai cum sa il vezi...dar simti ca e acolo. Te priveste fara ochi, ranjind fara buze. MEREU
Nu il poti ai cum sa il vezi...dar simti ca e acolo. Te priveste fara ochi, ranjind fara buze. MEREU
❝ can i smash your face, my dear dental-device-niall? ❞
Aceasta este povestea unei fete numită Kate Horan, care a avut o copilărie frumoasă, dar a ajuns să își trăiască adolescența în întuneric. Ceea ce a reușit să îi deschidă ochii a fost moartea părinților săi. Ea a rămas împreună cu fratele său, Niall, împreună cu care a decis că trebuie să se întoarcă în orașul natal...
De ziua ei de 16 ani, Lucy Martin a primit un "cadou" la cel mai bun prieten din copilarie, Louis Tomlinson, a ajuns să fie o dansatoare de rezervă pentru One Direction. Lucrurile au început sa se incalzeasca intre ea și Harry, dar după tur, lucrurile s-au inrautatit. La scurt timp dupa despartire, Lucy a descoperit...
Bella este o adolescenta de 19 ani careia nu ii plac lucrurile tipice.Ea decide sa plece in vacanta de vara pe o insula pustie de care credea ca doar ea stie.Dar ce se intampla cand pe insula apare Harry Styles?Cum va reactiona fata care are o parere oribila despre vedete?Isi vor da o sansa la intoarcerea in Londra?Ce...
„Tine minte ce iti spun, Samantha Lancelot, drumul spre Rai este pavat cu jar! Iar impreuna vom face Iadul perfect." „Chipul mi s-a contorsionat de scarba si greata la gandul cum m-ar judeca societatea Hollywood-ului. O lacrima mi-a parasit ochiul cand am ales sa iau secretul cu mine in mormant si sa ard una dintre do...
Everything is dip dyed isn't it? Sometimes most of it is happy, and some times most of it is sad. -I WAS 12 DON'T READ-
„Ce îmi trebuie mie? Nimic. De ce? Pentru că nu am nevoie. Nu am nevoie de tine, de ceea ce voi avea sau nu vreodată, nu-mi trebuie educaţie, bani sau dragoste. Atâta timp cât o am pe ea, chitara mea, pot fi eu, cel real. Nu vreau altceva. Nu mai îmi trebuie… Sunt doar una dintre cele câteva milioane de cărămizi ce f...
--still being edited but complete-- 14 year old Skyler Blue hasn't ever had a glamorous life, she was left at an orphanage by parents who didn't care her. She was tortored there from people so she decided to run away. Skyler wasn't sure where to go. She started out living on the streets, looking for food, and most of...
I'm 13 and my names Lilly... I've been a orphan all my life and never thought I'd be adopted till a man named Louis Tomlinson adopted me! About a year after I was adopted my biological dad shows up and kidnapped me for money, he wouldn't give me back to my family until he was given the money! My names Lilly Tomlinson...
I am only could this happen to me? I am nerdy-straight 4.0 GPA, never smoked, never done drugs, never had a boyfriend, never had sex, never tasted alcohol, so why did he have to kidnap me? And how does One Direction fit into this mess?
13 years old. Lonely. Abused. Terrified. Little Madison has never known what it feels like to have someone love her. Abused by her 'family' she has learned to shut people out, never trust, seeing as though everything is a trick to hurt her. Sexually, mentaly, and phyically she has been taken advantage of by the people...
My name is Melody Higgins. Where have you heard that name before, you might be asking? Well my dad is Paul Higgins, bodyguard and manager of the world wide, top of the charts boyband One Direction. People think I'm so lucky to have connections to One Direction but in reality I've never even met them. But that'll...
Viata nu este deloc usoara dar ce se intampla cand lui London i se deschid niste usi?Va face fata provocarilor?Se va schimba?Asta ramane de vazut...
really carrot-y. this was written in like 2012. I really (REALLY I REALLY DON'T, but do as you please) don't recommend reading this, but if you do, use your imagination to finish the rest of the story because mine has run short. It's up to you now to see where the story ends.
Nimic nu este ceea ce pare. Totul are un motiv. Petala stropită cu rugină ia foc, apoi se stinge când atinge râul de sentimente peste care se prelinge jocul stelelor. Dragostea este dependenţă, sânge uscat. Totul începe cu plecarea ei, apoi cu noi prieteni sau poate duşmani. Un loc de muncă indecent şi vicii amestecat...
Laura is an average 12 year old. Haha NO. She is adopted by One Direction. Will this New York City girl handle being One Direction's sibling?
Picture this; A mom, dad, daughter and a son. The perfect family. The live in a small blue house on the corner. The daughter is the head cheerleader and the son quarterback. The mom is a dentist and the dad a doctor. Now, take that picture rip it up and voila you have Sophie's life.
Annie Tomlinson is 12 years old and her parents are dead. She has Louis Tomlinson her older brother but he can't be her gaurdian he is to young. She is waiting for him to come take her so she can actually be loved by someone, someone that has been through hard things to try to see his sister. But even when he does hel...
Emily Hall wasn't really a normal fourteen year old. She lived in an orphanage since she was younger. She had secrets, she kept her tragic past hidden in the dark. Locked away where no one could find it. She didn't have any friends or family. She didn't get along with people, most never even bothered to try to talk to...
When 16 year old Alex Well's parents tell her she has to me she is forced to live with an uncle shes has never met before or even knew existed, her life changes dramatically. Her parents pass away and she now has to live with her uncle and her cousin for the rest of her life. Who's her cousin you might ask? Well you'r...
Claritate,copilarie si..vise?O fata, una simpla, fara bani si cariera.Nu e vedeta, e o fata micuta, un oras mare si egoist, urat si orgolios..Un oras in care lumea trece si te loveste dar nu se scuza, un oras in care ura se vede si prin vorbe si prin acea privire..a lor.O vedeta, Demi Lovato, aceasta are o cariera fru...
În această carte este vorba despre mama unei fete, care îi povestește fiicei sale cum a ajuns să fie împreuna, și chiar s se căsătorească cu baiatul la care a visat. Enjoy it !
Pana acum viata ei era roz, dar de cand au aparut ei totul s-a schimbat, EA S-A SCHIMBAT. Eliza, verisoara celebrului cantaret Liam Payne din trupa One Direction cade imediat in plasa fermecatorului Harry Styles. Dar ce se v-a intampla cand intre ei se va baga si colegul lui, Zayn. Dar se pare ca nimeni nu il cunoast...
!AVERTISMENT Povestea este foarte cringy si cliseica datorat faptului ca e scrisa acum vreo 3-4 ani cand aparent nu stiam ce e ala subiect intr-o carte/(un) roman etc. Trebuie sa recunosc ca uneori scriam parti amuzante. Alteori scriam cate ceva doar pentru ca mi se cerea continuarea. Pot aparea osibile greseli grama...