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  • Remember the Rules
    164K 4.4K 15

    Uriel doesn't know where she is. Or who she is. All she remembers is her name and two yellow eyes with a deep voice. All she has is a dagger and a small brown notebook with rules about weird things. Things called "Dreamshade" and places called "Neverland." All she knows is that she should follow the rules, or she will...

  • If I'm Going Down, You're Coming With Me (A Peter Pan Story)
    249K 8.1K 32

    "If I'm Going Down, You're Coming With Me." What's up! I'm Jo. I am a normal girl who lives a normal life. A boring life, yes, but a normal life all the same. At least that's until Peter Pan (yes, the Peter Pan who is nice and sweeps children off to Neverland sometimes) kidnapped me for uncovering who he really...

  • Darker Than You Know ( A Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) Fan Fiction)
    200K 6.5K 29

    I was lonely and scared of what I couldn't see. I desperately hoped help would come to me. I believed help would come to me. I believed help would save me. Little did I know, help would come in a dark, beautiful, and dangerously enchanting way. I got caught up in something beyond just me. I got caught up in him, all o...

  • 20 ways to piss Panny off
    3.8K 212 8

    ever wanted to piss Pan off just like Hen Hen does on a daily basis? then go ahead and read this how-to guide and see how mischievous you feel. well if you are being like Hen Hen then never mind...

  • I'm just a LOST girl - Peter Pan OUAT
    405K 10.5K 36

    Emma Parker was just a girl when her best friend was taken away by the infamous, Peter Pan.. What happens when she finally gets the chance to see him again? Will Love or Authority conquer Peter's thoughts? Find out in "I'm Just a Lost Girl" [ C o m p l e t e d ]

  • Monster // Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) (OUAT)
    1.8M 57.8K 45

    "I don't want to exist, I want to live. I want even the darkest pieces inside her. I want to kiss the sorrow off her skin. Isn't that what love is? Isn't that what this beautifully constructed torture feels like? But I want the same from her. The power-hungry part of me wants something in return. I want her to love e...

  • Confessions of a Lost Girl (Peter Pan fanfic)
    522K 13.4K 40

    The very first Lost Girl, Adriana Vicore, has come to Neverland, but Peter and Adriana have a complicated relationship. Pan has never felt the way he does right now, and Adriana is trying to recover from her traumatic past. In addition, Pan's enemies complicate things even more, and people from Adriana's past keep sho...

  • Hidden Evil (An OUAT Peter Pan Fan Fiction)
    11.2K 406 15

    There are many stories out there about girls falling in love with Peter Pan and living in Neverland forever all happy and content for catching the heart of the boy who never turns old. Seems like the life... Too bad Peter Pan is not like that in my world. It would make the rest of this story so much simpler. Here Pete...

  • Caged • Robbie Kay/Peter Pan •
    2.9M 98.1K 45

    "Because you've forgotten what it's like to actually feel something." I whispered. Peter's expression softened and the only sounds between us were the steady unsynchronized breaths falling from our lips. He swallowed, the closeness of our bodies making my heart beat faster and adrenaline course through me. The feeli...
