So Called Heroes
The story revolves around a small gang in Caesar called the Sunset Squad and their slice of life...
The story revolves around a small gang in Caesar called the Sunset Squad and their slice of life...
Summary The story is about the evil queen trying to find a hidden key that unlocks a door that is also hidden within the cattle, but she ends up loosing her power by the black knight's special sword, so the queen secretly makes the strongest princess the new queen. Fareragin puts on a show to announce the new queen bu...
Peridot is learning many things while on earth but when she gets weird feelings for Steven she is determined to find out what she is feeling for Steven.If you don't like Stevidot then I suggest You don't read ........... I have wanted to make a book for so long *internal scream* I just can't wait! P.S. I don't own St...
Steven Universe Fanfiction ------------------------------------------------------------- For her entire life, Morgan Grace had been told she was "special", but she never understood how. She had always been shut out from the world, so she didn't know what "normal" was...
COMPLETE *This story takes place after an ending in which everyone is alive but they cannot reach the surface*
The RowdyRuff Boys Z are now Good and they are now friends with the PPGZ. Brick has Grown some Strong feelings for Blossom. But he would Always try to brush his feelings aside and never over- think about it. But he can't help the fact that he asks him self the same Question everyday ---- "Am I..... In Love With Bl...
After Sam finds a sketch of Dante and another man she so learns of a creature that can scare a follower And now try to find the last member of the team: The hater
There is an urban legend about place in the desert where the four horsemen can be found and if you can bring four items that represent the four, Famine, Disease, War, Death, and One item for The Hallow himself. What is the Hallow you ask? It is the source of all supernatural in the world its best not to look at him...
Alyse Monroe is a normal HighSchool girl. She has friends. Alyse isn't like those other girls she doesn't believe in love and that stuff. She meets Jake. He a normal high school boy who has fallen in love with Alyse. Alyse has no idea why he makes her feel the way she does and she denies it. What happens will her deny...
So yeah... Book gose blah blah balh boom bam pow blah blah blah. You'll see just read. Hit the read button just read it.common you know you whant to.
I'm not going into detail just read the god damn book. give me a dollar man :C
Vires Academy: A school where many of the students develop an unnatural power. Some say it could be called a super power. The school is where they can learn to control and manage these powers in a balanced environment. But what happens when something starts to kill them off one by one. An unkown force is brewing and n...