I hope You Sleep
An astronaut wakes to find himself the last survivor in the universe.
The most intriguing thing about the whole thing had been one major piece of evidence: A sweatshirt that had been left on the scene. After running many tests on the sweatshirt, scientists concluded that it had belonged to a young boy around Alyssa's age. The thing they didn't know was whom it was. Read "Roasted" for...
funny, cute and nice zodiac posts for you all ♡ Note - I don't make these, I get them off Tumblr, Instagram and Google Images. These may not be accurate, they're made for entertainment so don't get butthurt or take them too seriously.
A compilation of one shots of 12 hot Kids/Men in tight pants. Let's show our XOXO for EXO! XD [closed] ^^v