baby bella
hi I'm Bella I've been living with the Cullen's since I was 6. They're all vampires but they're really nice. I'm 16 now And I think I'm falling in love. But let's not get to that yet lets start out when I first met the Cullen's. :This may not seem very interesting yet but once you start reading the book it will get a...
A Princess Story
Once upon a time there was a girl named princess angelica and she was dancing and dancing with he's prince charming and they were falling in love and I love to dancing and singing and singing like a princess and as a princess some day my prince charming will come my dreams will come true part 2 is coming soon please i...
princess disney part 1
princess Cinderella princess Elsa princess Anna princess snow white princess Ariel princess Sofia princess belle princess Rapunzel princess Jasmine princess Amber